Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Don't leave home with out it

The Dare: Wear vibrating thong turn it on and leave remote at your house and go out for few hours

It had been a little while since I had gotten a real creative dare, so I was really excited to do this one. I decided to do this dare while going shopping and unfortunately no one else was available to go with me so I had to do it alone. So when I got off work in the morning I headed home and changed into the underwear turned them on and left the remote on the counter. Almost immediately I could tell this was gonna be hard, though none the less it was still putting a smile on my face. So with that on and going I grabbed my purse and headed to the mall to go shopping. Every stop light on the way to the mall I would fidget in my seat and bite my lip, I could tell I was already getting wett, and in all honesty I didn’t think it would affect me that fast. I suppose the excitement was getting to me more then the panties were.
Once I got to the mall and parked, I experienced my first orgasm, not horribly strong, but good enough to make me squirm a bit. When that was over I cleaned myself up and headed inside the mall and went straight towards the clothing store. The mall itself was pretty crowded for a weekday and even though I knew no one could hear it, feeling the constant buzzing and vibrations made me slightly paranoid. Not only that but it must of been making me not think too straight cause instead of heading towards the escalator and went into a crowded elevator. (Good going girl)
Honestly I’ve never felt more claustrophobic in my life. It might of been tolerable if I was in the back, but I was stuck smack dab in the front. Too top it off it was virtually silent except for the quietest conversation in the back corner, but for all I knew they were talking about me. It felt like everyone was staring and could hear what was “going on”. Worse yet I think it made me even more excited than I already was, too the point where it took every ounce of concentration not to cum again right there. Than finally what seemed to take forever, the elevator reached the 2nd floor and I hurried off to the side away from all the people where I succumbed to the pleasure. After a minute of catching my breath I composed myself and walked casually to the store. I can’t tell you how much at that point I wished to have the remote to turn it off. Walking to the store my legs felt wobbly as if I was gonna fall down at any moment, but I pressed on and hurried through the doors of the clothing store greeting the sales people as I quickly walked past them to the back of the store to find the clothes I’ve tried on previously that I wanted to buy. As I was looking around I felt another strong one coming on, and I wanted to get out of sight. Only problem was I couldn’t really walk to a bathroom or changing stall and hold it back at the same time. So I did the only thing I could think of...
I jumped in the clothing rack and sat down in the middle biting my lip to try and keep for moaning and as I was in the height of it I heard a boy and his mom shuffling though the rack next to the one I was hiding in. As it passed I rested my head on my knees, relaxing to catch my breath and to wait for the people to leave.
When they were finally gone I crawled out from inside the rack. With out even looking I could tell I was pretty wet so I figured it was probably best to hurry and buy the clothes I came to get than leave. Speed walking through the store I got my clothes (various bottoms and tops for those interested lol) and headed to the register. And though there was only like couple people in front of me it still took FOREVER, seriously the lady in front had enough clothes to start her own store. So I had to stand in the back jumping around trying not to think about the constant smooth vibrations toying ever so gently with my tortured clit. All the while getting strange looks from the other lady and her kids in front of me. When it was finally my turn I felt like I was gonna blow, and my behavior apparently warranted a suspicious “are you ok” from the clerk and also remarking that I looked rather flushed. Which I managed to pass off telling her something from the food court wasn’t sitting right. Which thankfully got her moving a tad bit faster, and just as I thought I was gonna pay and get out of there, probably the worst thing happened. Quite cliche I dropped my wallet as I pulled it out of my purse, and for good reason I really didn’t want to bend down and pick it up. But I knew I had to, and for some stupid reason I figured doing it faster would be better than careful. Oh how wrong I was. As I bent quickly down to pick it up, my body took it that as que that I didn’t want to hold “it” back anymore. And as I crouched all the way down I felt my body just explode, and I had to bite my lip much harder than I wanted to keep from making noise. And after a minute or so of recuperating from that on the floor, I simply apologized to the clerk telling her I was feeling really dizzy for some “unknown” reason. She kindly offered me a chair, but I declined, payed her, and went on my way to my car as fast as I could. When I finally got to my car, I didn’t wait a single second, I got in and threw off the underwear, and just sat their catching my breath. I really needed to relax for the moment, especially since the dare was to keep wearing them till I got home, but with how intense the last ones were I couldn’t risk driving right away with those on. So relaxing for 10 or so minutes I put them back on and went on my way. Making sure to be as careful as possible on the drive home, though for the most part I think I was all orgasmed out, since the majority were very small, and the largest I was able to speed up at a stop light. And even that one wasn’t too big. But getting through that and reaching home, I picked up the remote and to my much relief I felt the constant tingle subside as I hit the off button.

Want to dare me? Leave a comment or email me with your dare, and as long as it doesn't go over my limits i will perform it.
Limits- Photo's, obvious public, mess, pain, and gross
(gross is subject to my interpretation)
~current dares
none at the moment

~Completed Dares to come
-skinny dipping at camp
-go to a mall and use the massage booth, while two friends control 2 remote vibes

-Bring a digital watch to time yourself with. Find a gym or a place with a big changing room. you might check for a local YWCA or YMCA. any nearby colleges are probably good too. enter the womens changing room and change into only a towel. Then, you have to stay there naked for 15 minutes with a small vibrator going in your pussy. You cannot cum, and you cannot take it out or turn it off unless you lose the towel. If you turn it off or remove it to cool off for a while, you must be naked while it is out.
you can spend the nude time in a shower (only if they are communal, if not, you must leave the door open).

Much love xoxo

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