the dare: having 2 friends control remote toys, go the mall, get t-shirt partially wet, and get a massage from a massage booth while friends play with the remotes.
So during one afternoon, my gf an Nat drove me down to the mall to do this dare. I was wearing a white tee, an pink plaid skirt, with my vibrating underwear on, an a wireless vibrating bullet in me. Before we even arrived at the mall, it had been an was still raining lightly, so as we ran to the entrance the rain actually managed to fulfill part of the dare as the front of my shirt was a lil damp. I checked myself an a little skin was visible through at the topish of my breast but nothing sensitive was so i felt in the clear. (a little embarrassed but ok none the less lol). Getting into the mall I could tell i was getting a few looks, not alot but still enough to make me just want to get their an get it over with. Nat would tease me the whole way their, stopping an window shopping at every store, but i would just keep walking forcing her an my gf to keep up. finally getting to massage booth, I greeted the masseuse an paid her for a quick massage. not even a minute into the massage i felt the gentle tickle as one of the vibrators gently started massaging the place the masseuse couldn't reach. Every now an then i would give a little moan of pleasure that i think my masseuse thought she caused. (haha she's not as good as she thinks :p). A bit into it i started to feel the other vibrator start up. I looked over to the controllers, they were sitting on a bench hands in their lap smiling at me. I turned my head to go back to enjoying my massage, as i felt each vibrator increase in intensity an they also started switching them on an off just to torture me a bit more. At this point I was probably more relaxed then i should of been :p. about half way through it i had my first orgasm, it wasn't anything intense but it was enough to make me bite my lip an grip the chair harder. After my first orgasm I looked over again at the two, an could tell with their devilish smiles that they knew what just happened. As I felt the rhythm of them turning the vibrators on an off change abruptly, I glared back at them, who at this point seemed to be having far too much fun for merely pressing buttons. The rest of the bit of the massage was spent holding back moans that I knew wouldn't be mistaken from simply a "good" massage. Before I knew it, an before I was able to be completely satisfied the massage had ended. I thanked her for the massage an went back over to my friends. They made a bit of fun at my expense, an then we decided to just head out an I took both remotes from them, an just finished myself off in the car on the ride home ^^
Want to dare me? Leave a comment or email me with your dare, and as long as it doesn't go over my limits i will perform it.
Limits- Photo's, obvious public, mess, pain, and gross
(gross is subject to my interpretation)
~current dares
waiting to find out what it is
LoL ok so i;ve had this one an several more dares typed up just sitting on my computer for some time :p. sorry everyone, just stuff an other things were making me forget to post them all, but I will post them all up in a timely basis. I'd post them all up at once, but don't want to swamp everyone all of a sudden with a bunch of posts :p
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good thank you Krystal glad to see you added it :), although i think you had more fun the first time you did it.
lol they were both fun^^
We don't mind being swamped!
Keep it up though.
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