Sunday, April 26, 2009

Dog Dare

The Dare: Be a dog for 48 hours

I did this dare when I had 2 open days obviously. When I got up first thing in the morning of this dare, I was completly naked as dogs don't wear clothes :p...Except those spoiled ones who's owners buy them sweaters and shirts haha. Anyway, first day I did this my gf was home for most of the day so she was able to help me with it. When we got up in the morning and i crawled my way to the kitchen, she made me a plate of eggs and bacon which i had to eat with no hands haha. Though while she was cooking, i took the oppurtunity to stretch and watch T.V. on the couch, and she took the oppurtunity to fill a spray bottle with water and squirt me till i got off the couch. >_> apparently I wasn't allowed on the furniture lol.
For the most part of the day I stayed as true to the doggy lifestyle as i could...meaning being a lazy bum an laying around :p. My gf and I hung out for a bit watching t.v with me laying on the floor, and before she headed out to work she decided to feed me Mac & cheese (apparently she found it hilarious :p haha) and give her puppy a bath :p. Hahaha, she grabbed my leash (yes i have a collar and leash) and pulled me outside grabbed some soap and a hose and bathed me on the grass. Getting a little too frisky with her hands might i say, even when drying me off. :p
and after that she was gone and I was left alone. :( So i just lounged around a bit taking in the sun, then gave my puppy self computer priveledges (sorry yes, but i would of died from boredom) So I entertained myself that way for a bit till gf came back home and we hung out a bit more and went to sleep where I had to sleep at the end of the bed :( with just a blanket thrown over me.
The next day was a bit more of the same, except more borrrriinnngggg. litterally lounged around all day, later in the day while using some "privelages" someone dared me to bark at a bird on the fence, sniff around my yard, and play fetch with myself.

All in all the dare was a lot of fun. though i think it ran rather too long. 24 hours might of been good enough to be long and fun, but not too long it got boring. Though the problem may of been a good chunk of the time i was alone.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

New poll

Alright new poll is up, again here is the explanation for each

Nude to Random house- Pick a random house on your street that you can walk or run to, but is farther away than 1 minute of running. Prepare a bag with cheap shorts and a cheap shirt and place the bag somewhere in the front of that random house at least an hour before you plan to actually complete this dare. To complete the dare, you will have to leave your home naked and make your way to that bag of clothes. Since you will have waited at least an hour, you won't know if your clothes will even still be there!

If you have a friend who can pick a random house and put the bag there, this can be even more fun for you.

Butt Drink- The first person must get nude and get on their hands and knease. The next person goes under the first with their mouth open and have someone pour a liquid down the first person's butt crack and start drinking.

Cleaning your car Naked- Clean the inside or the outside of your car completely naked.

Garden Hose Shower- Shower naked outside with your garden hose. (Note: if this when's i'll have another poll up for time of day. Different times of day effect how interesting this dare gets :p I.E if at midnight I shower out by the street, if afternoon i'm closer to the house but will use ice water in addition. also you'll be able to throw out more ideas)

Update 2/25/09

Haha, i'm really trying really hard to do more consistent updates :p

Well anyway, a few things.

First thanks for everyone who voted in the poll

The winner being *drum roll*

Car wash Change with a twist- Go to an automatic car wash fully clothed. Once the wash starts you must strip completely naked and masturbate. Once you cum if the car wash is still going try and get your clothes on. Whenever that wash ends and whatever condition your in is how you drive home.

Since the poll ended i've already scoped out a car wash I can do this at, and am planning on doing this on Sunday.

and as i'm sure you've already can tell i've started a new poll :p

Also i've recently bought new toys, so i've updated the list with those finally. lol I need a bigger closet.

Lastly (at least I think that's all) Tomorow I will be starting a butt plug challenge with someone else on the net. Basically see who can keep one up their butt the longest :p. Though we've both delcared to being stubborn so this may be interesting :p haha

Anyway that's all. Look forward to me getting up the "Dog Dare" either tomorow or monday

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Easter dare

Hey everyone guess what i've got a dare ^^

The Dare: dress up like a bunny and find Easter eggs scattered around the neighborhood. Do it on Easter.

haha, So like it says I did this dare on Easter. In the early morning I went around my street with a bag full of eggs, hiding them in various places amongst the other houses. (I did this part dressed normally btw lol) Then I simply waited for night to come.^^
Once night hit, i got dressed in a playboy bunny outfit(nope sorry didn't use bunny butt plug :( ) Grabbed a basket and started my hop around my neighborhood^^. and to be honest i've never felt sillier haha. And because this dare was originally completly non-sex related, I loved it all that much more. I mean masturbation dares and such are huge amounts of fun, but this was just a nice break from all those types. So through out the night, i would run around going through people's bush's, getting way to close to their windows and front doors :p trying to find all the eggs i had hidden around. Which often proved more difficult then you would think. As it was Easter alot of people were home, so plenty of families sitting in view of their windows. So plenty of times i had to crawl pretty close to the ground to prevent them from seeing me digging in their bush's, and also quite a few times i had to hop my lil bunny butt behind something to prevent an awkward conversation with a neighbor about... well i'm sure you know why :p. Before too long i had finished collecting all the eggs, and had to do an add-on dare for this. It was "shove 2 eggs inside myself masturbate till orgasm, take them out and carry them back in your mouth." So I found a good spot by a dark house behind a bush. Pushed the crotch of my bunny suit aside and inserted one egg then 2. The fit was rather tight and a bit uncomfortable to be honest, more the reason for me to hurry it up. So with out delay I crouched down behind the bush and I started rubbing and working my clit. Fortunately I was able to do this with out "interruption", but even so it took a little longer then i would of liked. But when I finally came, I pushed both out and started on the next part, which was even more uncomfortable then the first. I stuffed one egg in one cheek and the other in the other cheek. Horribly uncomfortable, is all how I can describe it. That and ridiculous is what i'm sure I looked like to any one that would of saw me. But I hurried home as fast as i could with out spilling my basket of eggs, and as soon as I reached my door I spit both out of my mouth with out delay and I was done. lol.

Want to dare me? Leave a comment or email me with your dare, and as long as it doesn't go over my limits i will perform it.
Limits- Photo's, obvious public, mess, pain, and gross
(gross is subject to my interpretation)
~current dares
waiting to find out what it is ;)

20 most unusual/fun/interesting/kinky things you've ever done, at least 3 a week on your blog



Friday, April 10, 2009

RAWR!! Crossdress ideas

Hey every body (omg 3 updates in a week O_O) though I feel bad none of them are interesting :p.

I didn't get to do the dare I was planning on yesterday, just some stuff came up that I wouldn't of felt good about just leaving.
So sowwy bout that :(

anyway thanks everybody for voting, i was actually rather amazed at how many votes its gotten so far with more then a week to still go O_O haha^^

but i can already tell whats probably gonna win lol.

Any who, I wanna do something fun and silly that I haven't done in awhile. Crossdress, i've done it before back when my hair was very short, though now it is a bit long. But that's what wigs are for :p
I'm not looking for clothing ideas, unless you have one you really want me to try out lol. Just mainly looking for Fun/silly things to do while crossdressed^^

So any questions or ideas, feel free to throw them my way^^

Some ideas that have already been thrown my way.
-Hit on girls
-spend entire day as a "guy" using male facilities. I.E, male bathrooms, changing stalls, etc etc
-go shopping and try on clothes

Want to dare me? Leave a comment or email me with your dare, and as long as it doesn't go over my limits i will perform it.
Limits- Photo's, obvious public, mess, pain, and gross
(gross is subject to my interpretation)
~current dares
waiting to find out what it is

20 most unusual/fun/interesting/kinky things you've ever done, at least 3 a week on your blog



Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Quick update

So i thought about something that might make things a little more interesting. I took a bunch of dares that were suggested to me from over at truthordarepal and put them in the poll box here. So you guys can vote on one you want me to do^^

Explanations of each dare is below

Nude to Random house- Pick a random house on your street that you can walk or run to, but is farther away than 1 minute of running. Prepare a bag with cheap shorts and a cheap shirt and place the bag somewhere in the front of that random house at least an hour before you plan to actually complete this dare. To complete the dare, you will have to leave your home naked and make your way to that bag of clothes. Since you will have waited at least an hour, you won't know if your clothes will even still be there!

If you have a friend who can pick a random house and put the bag there, this can be even more fun for you.

Car wash Change with a twist- Go to an automatic car wash fully clothed. Once the wash starts you must strip completely naked and masturbate. Once you cum if the car wash is still going try and get your clothes on. Whenever that wash ends and whatever condition your in is how you drive home.

Butt Drink- The first person must get nude and get on their hands and knease. The next person goes under the first with their mouth open and have someone pour a liquid down the first person's butt crack and start drinking.

Cleaning your car Naked- Clean the inside or the outside of your car completely naked.

Garden Hose Shower- Shower naked outside with your garden hose.

I'm still alive

yup the rumors are true ;)

lol i'm sooo sorry for the lack of updates. :x

i've talked about this with someone else, and even though i do get comments every once in awhile (thanks so much for those that do^^) it's still a bit of a rarity, and I feel bad because i don't wanna sound like a comment whore or anything, but they are a bit nice, cause then i know i'm not talking to myself here^^.

But things should get a bit more interesting, i'm apparently recieving a dare to do tommorow O_o, and i've also found a way to share access of my dare calander with other people. Though you may not always get a written up event of everything i do on their from everyone (i'll try, i swear) you'll at least be able to check it out and see what i have going on. and then if you really really want to make sure I write one up you see on the calander, bug me about it haha.

any way i did get a couple of dares posted in comments which is awesome^^. Cause its like hey cool this is what i'm using this for haha. but i do ask that next time you guys put the dare on my latest post. It's so much easier to keep track of them that way, instead of wondering "now which post was that dare commented at"

but ya i did the chair dare awhile ago, it was annoyling hard to hold that position.

The dare was :Strip naked and were only your vibrating thong. Lay on a chair sideways wear only your back is resting on the chair and your feet flat on the flore at a 90 degree angle. Turn on the vibrating thong and hold for 25 minuts do not let your legs drop if you do add on a minut.

Thankfully for strong legs (and a bit of will power :p) I held out for the full time with out dropping to the floor (phew) and got a nice orgasm out of it^^

As for the other dare, i want to do it, but like i mentioned earlier, i can't find it for the life of me :(

anywho that's all from me for now, so till next time, i swear i'll make my next post something more interest

Want to dare me? Leave a comment or email me with your dare, and as long as it doesn't go over my limits i will perform it.
Limits- Photo's, obvious public, mess, pain, and gross
(gross is subject to my interpretation)
~current dares
waiting to find out what it is

