So last weekend i got a chastity belt as a gift.
Normally I hated chastity belts, cause for the most part, they had to be one of the ugliest things ever.
but the one that was given to me was actually pretty cute.
<<< Theirs a picture i pulled off the website of it
aint it cute ^^
Though it's not something i'm gonna wear all the time mind you. but my Gf does have the main key, so i'll defiantly wear it when she wants :)
and if anyone out their is interested in buying it, let me know and i'll help you find a site. cause when i was looking for a good picture of it, some sites sold it for $40 other for $20. so you just gotta look around. Or if you really wanna look for yourself, its called a "Leather Chastity g-belt with lock and key"
In other news, I no longer have a master. Nothing happened between us, but with some stuff comming up in life, i didn't want the stress of being "tied" down with specific tasks. I'm still going to be doing dares and stuff, i just didn't want the obligations.
Though at the moment i do have several dares i need to post, and one i need to do. Theirs also another thing i'm debating on writing up. it wasn't a dare given by anyone here, but it's along the same lines. well actually its a bit more intense which is why i'm debating on writing it or not.
anyway that's all for now
i'll try to get up some past dares asap :)
oh and P.S. I hope everyone is doing something fun or silly for world nude day today :p
if i can pull it off, i'm gonna try to do inventory in the backroom of my store nude :D