Gmail the darer's best friend.
So I have no idea how long this has been out, but i just discovered on gmail you can enable something called "Tasks". Haha i shit you not.
In gmail you can enable it and not only can you write things you need to do, you can mark off when their done, and mark due dates for when you need to do them, or plan to.
only thing that'd make it cooler, is if i could put it in my blog. :)
Personally i found this hilarious cause it was shortly after, i agreed to be a dare slave. Which so far it seems to be going alright. More mature than other times i've tried it, so that's always a plus.
Though one thing on it,
i'm still able to accept dares, i just have to ok them through him first. (except for those, gotta do immediate ones).
I am a bit bummed though. my first major task is no underwear unless he says so. lol i thought i was done with that after i had the "month of no undies."
Lol serious what is peoples fascination with getting a nudist to not wear underwear, wouldn't it be better in the differance aspect if instead I was forced to wear underwear O_o
lol anyway
School's almost out, so that'd gonna be fun Yippeee. Can't wait for Christmas, and my X-mas party. Gonna be so much fun, still gotta make my costume though. which i really need to get on, cause i gotta order the supplies i need to make it. (Sexy reindeer for the win!)
Though it is also starting to get a bit nippier outside, and i'm sure those cold breezes are just gonna feel invigorating when i wear skirts or dress's.
oh well it's cold out, so if only we'd get a bit more rain maybe the mountains would get some better snow and i could go snowboarding....Naked.
haha holy cow talk about cold. (and no i've never done it before. it would be interesting i'd say :))
Want to dare me? Leave a comment or email me with your dare, and as long as it doesn't go over my limits i will perform it.
Limits- Photo's, obvious public, mess, pain, and gross
(gross is subject to my interpretation)
~current dares
none at the moment
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
School dare
The Dare: Wear a short skirt of mine and roll it up once so its slightly short, wear a butt plug, and a thin button up tee and before and after class keep the shirt unbuttoned as far as i dare. In addition once in class i must masturbate once.
ok i did this few days ago and for this dare I wore a skirt rolled up once like I was asked, with a butt plug in and black thigh high socks stopping a little bit short of the skirt base. and since it was before school i kept my long sleeve thin button up shirt un buttoned except for a single button between my breasts. I couldn't find a way to leave it all the way un-buttoned with out obviously flashing everyone i drove by in that morning so i kept it a fly-away style lol. The shirt was thin only really see through though if someone was pretty close and looked intently, though one might still be able to guess from a glance in the right light, but it was pretty overcast outside so i didn't feel i had to worry too much about it.
The drive there was un-eventful, and once i got to school and parked i proceeded to button back up the shirt. normally i probably could of gotten away with walking through the lot, but being morning the lot was too active for that.
I was now a bit more comfortable for my upper area though a bit conscious of my lower regions, keeping focused on my steps as to not flick my hips in any direction to throw my skirt up. Which wasn't too big a problem to remember, the plug in me kept me remembering to be careful.
getting near my class room i had to be extra careful as there was a decent staircase i had to climb. So walking up it I held my binder to my butt, trying to be non-nonchalant about it lol, i'm sure it didn't pass like that though, but oh well i'm pretty sure no one saw still.
As i got into class i sat in my seat in the back corner all by my lonesome, and prepared for my next task. Waiting till the teacher was a bit into his lecture i stopped taking notes and covered my lap a bit more strategically with my binder to hide myself than slipped my hand in my skirt and started playing with my clit, keeping a close eye on the people around me making sure no one glanced back or anything of the sort.
I had to stop only once as i saw a guy walk up my way and out the class, but after that it didn't take long till i finished, biting my lip to make sure i didn't make any noise. Though i could tell i was a bit flushed from the whole ordeal.
After class, i walked back to my car with a bit of a smile on my face. walking through the parking lot i thought about un-buttoning my shirt like earlier but decided to wait till i got to my car as it was noon and the lot was pretty active just like the morning. So i got to my car and proceeded with the buttons on my shirt than drove off to work.
At work i was forced to change, it was a bit busier than i anticipated and i doubted my boss would of liked me tossing my skirt around giving everyone a show as i ran around helping the customers lol. I kept the buttplug in though to at least make my shift a tad bit more enjoyable. :)
Want to dare me? Leave a comment or email me with your dare, and as long as it doesn't go over my limits i will perform it.
Limits- Photo's, obvious public, mess, pain, and gross
(gross is subject to my interpretation)
~current dares
none at the moment
ok i did this few days ago and for this dare I wore a skirt rolled up once like I was asked, with a butt plug in and black thigh high socks stopping a little bit short of the skirt base. and since it was before school i kept my long sleeve thin button up shirt un buttoned except for a single button between my breasts. I couldn't find a way to leave it all the way un-buttoned with out obviously flashing everyone i drove by in that morning so i kept it a fly-away style lol. The shirt was thin only really see through though if someone was pretty close and looked intently, though one might still be able to guess from a glance in the right light, but it was pretty overcast outside so i didn't feel i had to worry too much about it.
The drive there was un-eventful, and once i got to school and parked i proceeded to button back up the shirt. normally i probably could of gotten away with walking through the lot, but being morning the lot was too active for that.
I was now a bit more comfortable for my upper area though a bit conscious of my lower regions, keeping focused on my steps as to not flick my hips in any direction to throw my skirt up. Which wasn't too big a problem to remember, the plug in me kept me remembering to be careful.
getting near my class room i had to be extra careful as there was a decent staircase i had to climb. So walking up it I held my binder to my butt, trying to be non-nonchalant about it lol, i'm sure it didn't pass like that though, but oh well i'm pretty sure no one saw still.
As i got into class i sat in my seat in the back corner all by my lonesome, and prepared for my next task. Waiting till the teacher was a bit into his lecture i stopped taking notes and covered my lap a bit more strategically with my binder to hide myself than slipped my hand in my skirt and started playing with my clit, keeping a close eye on the people around me making sure no one glanced back or anything of the sort.
I had to stop only once as i saw a guy walk up my way and out the class, but after that it didn't take long till i finished, biting my lip to make sure i didn't make any noise. Though i could tell i was a bit flushed from the whole ordeal.
After class, i walked back to my car with a bit of a smile on my face. walking through the parking lot i thought about un-buttoning my shirt like earlier but decided to wait till i got to my car as it was noon and the lot was pretty active just like the morning. So i got to my car and proceeded with the buttons on my shirt than drove off to work.
At work i was forced to change, it was a bit busier than i anticipated and i doubted my boss would of liked me tossing my skirt around giving everyone a show as i ran around helping the customers lol. I kept the buttplug in though to at least make my shift a tad bit more enjoyable. :)
Want to dare me? Leave a comment or email me with your dare, and as long as it doesn't go over my limits i will perform it.
Limits- Photo's, obvious public, mess, pain, and gross
(gross is subject to my interpretation)
~current dares
none at the moment
Friday, December 5, 2008
A homerun handcuffed
Not exactly like it sounds lol, but close enough
Dare: Go to local school with a baseball field, go out to the field strip naked and run the bases. Get dressed go back to your car, strip again in your car and handcuff your legs to the steering wheel and wrists to the seat headrest. stay that way for an hour with a vibrator in you.
Alright so i'll admit this was a tad bit different than what i'm used too. haha.
So few nights ago i drove out to the nearest baseball field. When I arrived the first thing i did was check around for other cars, nicely enough their weren't any at all. Not that I really expected any being late on a sunday night. Though I will say traffic at the near by street was a bit more than i would prefer, but the lot and field were more than dark enough to make me feel comfortable doing this.
Pulling into the lot i parked near the field making sure my car was facing the entrance to the lot so i could keep an eye on it when i did the second part of the dare.
I got out of my car and approached the field carefully checking around to make sure to be careful that no one was around. Once I felt it was safe I pulled off my clothes and set them on a near by bench. It was a tad bit chilly out so as i was walking out onto the field I would rub my arms as i shivered slightly. Stepping onto Home Plate i got ready to run the bases and took off casually jogging from base to base still rubbing my arms trying to keep warm. The cold air i will say was rather exhilarating and in addition to getting goosebumps another part of me (more like a pair) was starting to react to the cold weather.
As i started rounding home plate, i felt that really didn't last as long as it should so I decided to make one more lap to enjoy the cold air a bit more before I headed back to my car to perform the second part.
Getting into my car and throwing my clothes in the back, I handcuffed my ankles to my steering wheel, inserted my vibrator in me then handcuffed my hands to my head rest, making sure to be careful and not to drop the key to the cuffs and got settled in for a long hour of sitting there with the vibe in me.
Though the vibrator felt great and was helping me relax, it was still rather hard to really enjoy the pleasure all scrunched up in my seat like that. That and still being slightly paranoid that someone one would come driving through the parking lot and approach my car. *eek*
Though it was a Sunday, so i couldn't really imagine any kids coming to school a full night early XD
So for the the hour i would have intense spells of pleasure approaching orgasms, than wake-up calls shortly after realizing i was still in the parking lot. one being strong enough to push it out, so i had to un-cuff myself to put the vibe back in.
By the end of the hour, the cold wasn't bothering me at all, by body was more than hot enough. but laying back in my seat after i undid the handcuffs I could start to feel the cold air a bit more, so i decided it was time to head back home, and figuring it was late enough and dark enough outside i didn't even bother putting my clothes back on, to make the drive home a tad bit fun as well ;)....
That and i was just too lazy to put them back on :)
Want to dare me? Leave a comment or email me with your dare, and as long as it doesn't go over my limits i will perform it.
Limits- Photo's, obvious public, mess, pain, and gross
(gross is subject to my interpretation)
~current dares
none at the moment
~Completed Dares to come
- Much love xoxo
Dare: Go to local school with a baseball field, go out to the field strip naked and run the bases. Get dressed go back to your car, strip again in your car and handcuff your legs to the steering wheel and wrists to the seat headrest. stay that way for an hour with a vibrator in you.
Alright so i'll admit this was a tad bit different than what i'm used too. haha.
So few nights ago i drove out to the nearest baseball field. When I arrived the first thing i did was check around for other cars, nicely enough their weren't any at all. Not that I really expected any being late on a sunday night. Though I will say traffic at the near by street was a bit more than i would prefer, but the lot and field were more than dark enough to make me feel comfortable doing this.
Pulling into the lot i parked near the field making sure my car was facing the entrance to the lot so i could keep an eye on it when i did the second part of the dare.
I got out of my car and approached the field carefully checking around to make sure to be careful that no one was around. Once I felt it was safe I pulled off my clothes and set them on a near by bench. It was a tad bit chilly out so as i was walking out onto the field I would rub my arms as i shivered slightly. Stepping onto Home Plate i got ready to run the bases and took off casually jogging from base to base still rubbing my arms trying to keep warm. The cold air i will say was rather exhilarating and in addition to getting goosebumps another part of me (more like a pair) was starting to react to the cold weather.
As i started rounding home plate, i felt that really didn't last as long as it should so I decided to make one more lap to enjoy the cold air a bit more before I headed back to my car to perform the second part.
Getting into my car and throwing my clothes in the back, I handcuffed my ankles to my steering wheel, inserted my vibrator in me then handcuffed my hands to my head rest, making sure to be careful and not to drop the key to the cuffs and got settled in for a long hour of sitting there with the vibe in me.
Though the vibrator felt great and was helping me relax, it was still rather hard to really enjoy the pleasure all scrunched up in my seat like that. That and still being slightly paranoid that someone one would come driving through the parking lot and approach my car. *eek*
Though it was a Sunday, so i couldn't really imagine any kids coming to school a full night early XD
So for the the hour i would have intense spells of pleasure approaching orgasms, than wake-up calls shortly after realizing i was still in the parking lot. one being strong enough to push it out, so i had to un-cuff myself to put the vibe back in.
By the end of the hour, the cold wasn't bothering me at all, by body was more than hot enough. but laying back in my seat after i undid the handcuffs I could start to feel the cold air a bit more, so i decided it was time to head back home, and figuring it was late enough and dark enough outside i didn't even bother putting my clothes back on, to make the drive home a tad bit fun as well ;)....
That and i was just too lazy to put them back on :)
Want to dare me? Leave a comment or email me with your dare, and as long as it doesn't go over my limits i will perform it.
Limits- Photo's, obvious public, mess, pain, and gross
(gross is subject to my interpretation)
~current dares
none at the moment
~Completed Dares to come
- Much love xoxo
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Promoting a fun blog
Haha she's braver than me :P
just thought i'd spread the love.
Go check her out, I command thee. :D
just thought i'd spread the love.
Go check her out, I command thee. :D
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Yea i've realized i haven't been updating this much recently (or at all). Just been busy is all, with dance and theater classes. So haven't really had the time to do dares let alone write them up, but we just finished our last show so i should have a slight bit more time to do stuff and such. But even if i have more time I can't really write anything up if i don't get dares *hint* *hint*.
Though their's a few off TorDpal i'm gonna do, i still love the personal creative ones :)
Want to dare me? Leave a comment or email me with your dare, and as long as it doesn't go over my limits i will perform it.
Limits- Photo's, obvious public, mess, pain, and gross
(gross is subject to my interpretation)
~current dares
none at the moment
Though their's a few off TorDpal i'm gonna do, i still love the personal creative ones :)
Want to dare me? Leave a comment or email me with your dare, and as long as it doesn't go over my limits i will perform it.
Limits- Photo's, obvious public, mess, pain, and gross
(gross is subject to my interpretation)
~current dares
none at the moment
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Don't leave home with out it
The Dare: Wear vibrating thong turn it on and leave remote at your house and go out for few hours
It had been a little while since I had gotten a real creative dare, so I was really excited to do this one. I decided to do this dare while going shopping and unfortunately no one else was available to go with me so I had to do it alone. So when I got off work in the morning I headed home and changed into the underwear turned them on and left the remote on the counter. Almost immediately I could tell this was gonna be hard, though none the less it was still putting a smile on my face. So with that on and going I grabbed my purse and headed to the mall to go shopping. Every stop light on the way to the mall I would fidget in my seat and bite my lip, I could tell I was already getting wett, and in all honesty I didn’t think it would affect me that fast. I suppose the excitement was getting to me more then the panties were.
Once I got to the mall and parked, I experienced my first orgasm, not horribly strong, but good enough to make me squirm a bit. When that was over I cleaned myself up and headed inside the mall and went straight towards the clothing store. The mall itself was pretty crowded for a weekday and even though I knew no one could hear it, feeling the constant buzzing and vibrations made me slightly paranoid. Not only that but it must of been making me not think too straight cause instead of heading towards the escalator and went into a crowded elevator. (Good going girl)
Honestly I’ve never felt more claustrophobic in my life. It might of been tolerable if I was in the back, but I was stuck smack dab in the front. Too top it off it was virtually silent except for the quietest conversation in the back corner, but for all I knew they were talking about me. It felt like everyone was staring and could hear what was “going on”. Worse yet I think it made me even more excited than I already was, too the point where it took every ounce of concentration not to cum again right there. Than finally what seemed to take forever, the elevator reached the 2nd floor and I hurried off to the side away from all the people where I succumbed to the pleasure. After a minute of catching my breath I composed myself and walked casually to the store. I can’t tell you how much at that point I wished to have the remote to turn it off. Walking to the store my legs felt wobbly as if I was gonna fall down at any moment, but I pressed on and hurried through the doors of the clothing store greeting the sales people as I quickly walked past them to the back of the store to find the clothes I’ve tried on previously that I wanted to buy. As I was looking around I felt another strong one coming on, and I wanted to get out of sight. Only problem was I couldn’t really walk to a bathroom or changing stall and hold it back at the same time. So I did the only thing I could think of...
I jumped in the clothing rack and sat down in the middle biting my lip to try and keep for moaning and as I was in the height of it I heard a boy and his mom shuffling though the rack next to the one I was hiding in. As it passed I rested my head on my knees, relaxing to catch my breath and to wait for the people to leave.
When they were finally gone I crawled out from inside the rack. With out even looking I could tell I was pretty wet so I figured it was probably best to hurry and buy the clothes I came to get than leave. Speed walking through the store I got my clothes (various bottoms and tops for those interested lol) and headed to the register. And though there was only like couple people in front of me it still took FOREVER, seriously the lady in front had enough clothes to start her own store. So I had to stand in the back jumping around trying not to think about the constant smooth vibrations toying ever so gently with my tortured clit. All the while getting strange looks from the other lady and her kids in front of me. When it was finally my turn I felt like I was gonna blow, and my behavior apparently warranted a suspicious “are you ok” from the clerk and also remarking that I looked rather flushed. Which I managed to pass off telling her something from the food court wasn’t sitting right. Which thankfully got her moving a tad bit faster, and just as I thought I was gonna pay and get out of there, probably the worst thing happened. Quite cliche I dropped my wallet as I pulled it out of my purse, and for good reason I really didn’t want to bend down and pick it up. But I knew I had to, and for some stupid reason I figured doing it faster would be better than careful. Oh how wrong I was. As I bent quickly down to pick it up, my body took it that as que that I didn’t want to hold “it” back anymore. And as I crouched all the way down I felt my body just explode, and I had to bite my lip much harder than I wanted to keep from making noise. And after a minute or so of recuperating from that on the floor, I simply apologized to the clerk telling her I was feeling really dizzy for some “unknown” reason. She kindly offered me a chair, but I declined, payed her, and went on my way to my car as fast as I could. When I finally got to my car, I didn’t wait a single second, I got in and threw off the underwear, and just sat their catching my breath. I really needed to relax for the moment, especially since the dare was to keep wearing them till I got home, but with how intense the last ones were I couldn’t risk driving right away with those on. So relaxing for 10 or so minutes I put them back on and went on my way. Making sure to be as careful as possible on the drive home, though for the most part I think I was all orgasmed out, since the majority were very small, and the largest I was able to speed up at a stop light. And even that one wasn’t too big. But getting through that and reaching home, I picked up the remote and to my much relief I felt the constant tingle subside as I hit the off button.
Want to dare me? Leave a comment or email me with your dare, and as long as it doesn't go over my limits i will perform it.
Limits- Photo's, obvious public, mess, pain, and gross
(gross is subject to my interpretation)
~current dares
none at the moment
~Completed Dares to come
-skinny dipping at camp
-go to a mall and use the massage booth, while two friends control 2 remote vibes
-Bring a digital watch to time yourself with. Find a gym or a place with a big changing room. you might check for a local YWCA or YMCA. any nearby colleges are probably good too. enter the womens changing room and change into only a towel. Then, you have to stay there naked for 15 minutes with a small vibrator going in your pussy. You cannot cum, and you cannot take it out or turn it off unless you lose the towel. If you turn it off or remove it to cool off for a while, you must be naked while it is out.
you can spend the nude time in a shower (only if they are communal, if not, you must leave the door open).
- Much love xoxo
It had been a little while since I had gotten a real creative dare, so I was really excited to do this one. I decided to do this dare while going shopping and unfortunately no one else was available to go with me so I had to do it alone. So when I got off work in the morning I headed home and changed into the underwear turned them on and left the remote on the counter. Almost immediately I could tell this was gonna be hard, though none the less it was still putting a smile on my face. So with that on and going I grabbed my purse and headed to the mall to go shopping. Every stop light on the way to the mall I would fidget in my seat and bite my lip, I could tell I was already getting wett, and in all honesty I didn’t think it would affect me that fast. I suppose the excitement was getting to me more then the panties were.
Once I got to the mall and parked, I experienced my first orgasm, not horribly strong, but good enough to make me squirm a bit. When that was over I cleaned myself up and headed inside the mall and went straight towards the clothing store. The mall itself was pretty crowded for a weekday and even though I knew no one could hear it, feeling the constant buzzing and vibrations made me slightly paranoid. Not only that but it must of been making me not think too straight cause instead of heading towards the escalator and went into a crowded elevator. (Good going girl)
Honestly I’ve never felt more claustrophobic in my life. It might of been tolerable if I was in the back, but I was stuck smack dab in the front. Too top it off it was virtually silent except for the quietest conversation in the back corner, but for all I knew they were talking about me. It felt like everyone was staring and could hear what was “going on”. Worse yet I think it made me even more excited than I already was, too the point where it took every ounce of concentration not to cum again right there. Than finally what seemed to take forever, the elevator reached the 2nd floor and I hurried off to the side away from all the people where I succumbed to the pleasure. After a minute of catching my breath I composed myself and walked casually to the store. I can’t tell you how much at that point I wished to have the remote to turn it off. Walking to the store my legs felt wobbly as if I was gonna fall down at any moment, but I pressed on and hurried through the doors of the clothing store greeting the sales people as I quickly walked past them to the back of the store to find the clothes I’ve tried on previously that I wanted to buy. As I was looking around I felt another strong one coming on, and I wanted to get out of sight. Only problem was I couldn’t really walk to a bathroom or changing stall and hold it back at the same time. So I did the only thing I could think of...
I jumped in the clothing rack and sat down in the middle biting my lip to try and keep for moaning and as I was in the height of it I heard a boy and his mom shuffling though the rack next to the one I was hiding in. As it passed I rested my head on my knees, relaxing to catch my breath and to wait for the people to leave.
When they were finally gone I crawled out from inside the rack. With out even looking I could tell I was pretty wet so I figured it was probably best to hurry and buy the clothes I came to get than leave. Speed walking through the store I got my clothes (various bottoms and tops for those interested lol) and headed to the register. And though there was only like couple people in front of me it still took FOREVER, seriously the lady in front had enough clothes to start her own store. So I had to stand in the back jumping around trying not to think about the constant smooth vibrations toying ever so gently with my tortured clit. All the while getting strange looks from the other lady and her kids in front of me. When it was finally my turn I felt like I was gonna blow, and my behavior apparently warranted a suspicious “are you ok” from the clerk and also remarking that I looked rather flushed. Which I managed to pass off telling her something from the food court wasn’t sitting right. Which thankfully got her moving a tad bit faster, and just as I thought I was gonna pay and get out of there, probably the worst thing happened. Quite cliche I dropped my wallet as I pulled it out of my purse, and for good reason I really didn’t want to bend down and pick it up. But I knew I had to, and for some stupid reason I figured doing it faster would be better than careful. Oh how wrong I was. As I bent quickly down to pick it up, my body took it that as que that I didn’t want to hold “it” back anymore. And as I crouched all the way down I felt my body just explode, and I had to bite my lip much harder than I wanted to keep from making noise. And after a minute or so of recuperating from that on the floor, I simply apologized to the clerk telling her I was feeling really dizzy for some “unknown” reason. She kindly offered me a chair, but I declined, payed her, and went on my way to my car as fast as I could. When I finally got to my car, I didn’t wait a single second, I got in and threw off the underwear, and just sat their catching my breath. I really needed to relax for the moment, especially since the dare was to keep wearing them till I got home, but with how intense the last ones were I couldn’t risk driving right away with those on. So relaxing for 10 or so minutes I put them back on and went on my way. Making sure to be as careful as possible on the drive home, though for the most part I think I was all orgasmed out, since the majority were very small, and the largest I was able to speed up at a stop light. And even that one wasn’t too big. But getting through that and reaching home, I picked up the remote and to my much relief I felt the constant tingle subside as I hit the off button.
Want to dare me? Leave a comment or email me with your dare, and as long as it doesn't go over my limits i will perform it.
Limits- Photo's, obvious public, mess, pain, and gross
(gross is subject to my interpretation)
~current dares
none at the moment
~Completed Dares to come
-skinny dipping at camp
-go to a mall and use the massage booth, while two friends control 2 remote vibes
-Bring a digital watch to time yourself with. Find a gym or a place with a big changing room. you might check for a local YWCA or YMCA. any nearby colleges are probably good too. enter the womens changing room and change into only a towel. Then, you have to stay there naked for 15 minutes with a small vibrator going in your pussy. You cannot cum, and you cannot take it out or turn it off unless you lose the towel. If you turn it off or remove it to cool off for a while, you must be naked while it is out.
you can spend the nude time in a shower (only if they are communal, if not, you must leave the door open).
- Much love xoxo
life life life
yea so i have good news, though for all reading this i bet you were more hoping for an "entry" than just some random life thing, but whatever it's my blog so nana :-P.
So anyway, probably first thing your wondering... No i did not get a new blog master, and after a brief period of contemplating deleting my blog I decided to keep it anyway. Since apparently people do enjoy reading it, which is a plus. Since i thought only like 1 or 2 people originally. lol. but as for the blog master thingy MaBob, if your still interested for some strange reason even though the large lack of "benefits" , just send me an email
Second I have had some free time recently and was able to type of some past experiences from my journal. So once i get another moment (lol) i'm gonna go back through them and fix up my horrible grammar so its only awful grammar and fix all my typos. I may even get one up tonight so... look forward to that.
aannnnnndddddddd lastly i'm really excited and gonna talk about my life life here for a moment. So our 5 year anniversary is comming up in a few days (my gf and me) annnndddd i have no idea what to do for it. I really feel like it should be something special you know, i mean 5 years holy cow. On that note does anyone know what the 5 year anniverasry is suppose to be(even though were not married)???? I think it's wood or something? lol even if it is wood what am i supposed to give her, a clock? haha yea that'd be fun *rolls eyes*. But yea it kind of has me freaking out (I didn't realize it was so close) I guess my biggest concern would be both of us planning in secret, so i suppose i should talk to her on the subject to make sure we both don't plan something. Than again I love surprises/surprising so talking to her would kind of blow any chance of a surprise that i was planning(if i could think of one) I guess maybe i could get a 3rd party to "secretly" mediate between us so neither of us know "what" is going on but atleast we'd know "something" is.
any way my rambling should stop now, i'll go work on one of my dares so i can get one posted up tonight. Afterall its been like a month since last one (woops)
So anyway, probably first thing your wondering... No i did not get a new blog master, and after a brief period of contemplating deleting my blog I decided to keep it anyway. Since apparently people do enjoy reading it, which is a plus. Since i thought only like 1 or 2 people originally. lol. but as for the blog master thingy MaBob, if your still interested for some strange reason even though the large lack of "benefits" , just send me an email
Second I have had some free time recently and was able to type of some past experiences from my journal. So once i get another moment (lol) i'm gonna go back through them and fix up my horrible grammar so its only awful grammar and fix all my typos. I may even get one up tonight so... look forward to that.
aannnnnndddddddd lastly i'm really excited and gonna talk about my life life here for a moment. So our 5 year anniversary is comming up in a few days (my gf and me) annnndddd i have no idea what to do for it. I really feel like it should be something special you know, i mean 5 years holy cow. On that note does anyone know what the 5 year anniverasry is suppose to be(even though were not married)???? I think it's wood or something? lol even if it is wood what am i supposed to give her, a clock? haha yea that'd be fun *rolls eyes*. But yea it kind of has me freaking out (I didn't realize it was so close) I guess my biggest concern would be both of us planning in secret, so i suppose i should talk to her on the subject to make sure we both don't plan something. Than again I love surprises/surprising so talking to her would kind of blow any chance of a surprise that i was planning(if i could think of one) I guess maybe i could get a 3rd party to "secretly" mediate between us so neither of us know "what" is going on but atleast we'd know "something" is.
any way my rambling should stop now, i'll go work on one of my dares so i can get one posted up tonight. Afterall its been like a month since last one (woops)
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Looking for new blogmaster
So yea just as title says.
My current blog master is going to start being too busy with school and work to keep on me about updating the blog, and since he doesn't trust me to update it regularly myself(haha wonder why :D)
He has instructed me to post out to seek a new one. Hopefully one that may bring something new to it.
what it entails-
-Not much work
-just keep on krystal to post new entries based on dares
-if she's not receiving or trying to get any, give her one to do(which feel free to do regardless)
-you have almost full control over what she does with the blog"
and a little bit about what that (doesn't)mean from me
-doesn't mean your my master master
-as to make sure this doesn't interfere with life things, i do have a bit of leniency on how long i take to post entries. meaning i don't have to post it the day i finish doing it.
That's really all we can think of at the moment, if your interested either comment or email with the following info
small bit about yourself
Why your interested/want to do it
also any general question about it feel free to comment.
My current blog master is going to start being too busy with school and work to keep on me about updating the blog, and since he doesn't trust me to update it regularly myself(haha wonder why :D)
He has instructed me to post out to seek a new one. Hopefully one that may bring something new to it.
what it entails-
-Not much work
-just keep on krystal to post new entries based on dares
-if she's not receiving or trying to get any, give her one to do(which feel free to do regardless)
-you have almost full control over what she does with the blog"
and a little bit about what that (doesn't)mean from me
-doesn't mean your my master master
-as to make sure this doesn't interfere with life things, i do have a bit of leniency on how long i take to post entries. meaning i don't have to post it the day i finish doing it.
That's really all we can think of at the moment, if your interested either comment or email with the following info
small bit about yourself
Why your interested/want to do it
also any general question about it feel free to comment.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Naked Camping
So for a weekend my friends Nat, Cas, Nana, my gf and I decided to go on a hiking/camping trip. Little did I know however I was in for a surprise.
When we got to the trail head Friday night it was pretty dark out, but we planned that. We parked where we thought was allowed. Since their were no other cars there we didn’t really have a clue to where we should of, lol. But we did that and as everyone unloaded the gear I ran off to some bushes to pee. Getting back from watering the trees I saw them all grinning from ear to ear. Curious to what was so funny, I asked them. They simply told me they were cracking some jokes at Nana’s expense. So I really didn’t think much of it. Anyway so we all put on our packs and headed out into the night. The sky was nice and clear with a bright moon, so we really didn’t need our lights for the night hike. At about an hour or 2 into the hike we finally made it to our first camping destination. A nice small little clearing where you could see the stars. We set up camp there which mainly consisted of throwing down some, tarp’s, pad’s and our sleeping bags. My gf and I sharing all 3 a little ways away from the others, and we all went to sleep.
Next morning I woke to everyone already awake cooking breakfast, which consisted of opening up the pop-tarts. As I woke up and got dressed, my gf walked over to me and whispered in my ear asking me if I wanted to go sneak off for a “dip” in the stream a little ways away. The morning air was already quite cool, and the thought of stripping naked in the woods and dipping in that icy water privately with my gf sounded exhilarating, and a great way to start the day. So with a wide smile I agreed and we rushed off giggling telling the group we’d be back in a few. We got to the stream and I immediately threw off my clothes wading through the calf deep water, enjoying it’s icy touch. Turning around in the water enjoying the cool air I told my gf to hurry up and strip down and join me. At first she acted like she was going to pretending to about to take off her shirt, when she gave a devilish smile and ran off with my clothes. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the stream and put on my shoes to walk back to camp, knowing I was probably gonna have an annoying game of keep away or of “find the clothes”. As I tiredly drudged into camp, I could see them all grinning and laughing. Rolling my eyes again I went over to the fire they had started to kind of play along with their little game and to warm up before I went over to my bag to grab some other clothes. As I crouched by the small fire to help warm up the rest of me beyond my legs, Nat came over with a stick and nudged some of the wood on top of the fire, and too my shock my clothes were underneath them. Completely speechless at this point I just went over to my bag to change into some non-burnt clothes, but I couldn’t find in my bag. Looking back at them I couldn’t believe they did that, so I went over to my gf’s bag to steal some clothes, but...nothing.
She had no clothes in her bag. So I went over to Nat’s, again nothing. I was starting to get the picture as I heard them all giggling as I rummaged through their bags not finding anything.
At this point I was kind of getting kind of pouty too, which is really un-like me, but I suppose it was early, it was a bit of a shock and I was also denied a fun skinny dip my gf promised me earlier. So I was probably in my right for my little mood swing though it didn’t last long as my gf came over to me as I was putting away my sleeping bag and pecked me on the cheek to cheer me up. Once I was done packing I went over to everyone and grabbed my share of the food (yummy strawberry poptarts), few of them hugged me in forgiveness, which was kind on their part regardless that they were still giggling about it.
Anyway we finished eating and headed out after applying a massive amount of suntan to myself. The first bit of the hike was a bit nerve racking I must say. Regardless of the fact that we were backpacking in the middle of the wilderness, and odds of running into people is small, the fact that we were hiking on a marked trail is what made me nervous. So resorting to my shy ways, I nestled myself safely in the middle of the group as we hiked, though as the day progressed I found myself able to relax more as I felt the warm sun touch my skin, and as I relaxed I tried to egg on the rest of my friends to join me in my nude exploits, but none would budge thinking it was just a ploy so I could get my hands on there clothes.
With my attempts to get them naked thwarted we all decided to stop for lunch right beside the trail. Lunch was more or less quite except for Cas telling me I should lead the group now since I looked so “comfortable” hiking now. Though not too keen on the idea, but I figured if they were gonna try and torture me I might as well try and have some fun to spite them. So I agreed to take up the front and lead the group. Though about right at that moment as I agreed and was putting some of the lunch stuffs away I began to have seconds thoughts as I heard voices behind me.
Freaking out I went completely wide eyed, but before I could get up and hide they were already around the corner and to the utter surprise to me and the group, they were two heavy set gentlemen hiking completely nude. They walked by smiled and waved to the group and were gonna continue on but Nana started talking to them. I kind of just stood there stunned, but the whole time they were talking to Nana, they didn’t really look over to me much more than they would look over to everyone else.
Soon it wasn’t long before the two hikers were back on there way, and Nana came back over to us and told us what they were talking about. She had found out they hadn’t seen any other hikers since they started their hike yesterday, and that their was a pretty neat waterfall not much farther than what we planned on the hike. Over the stun of just being walked in on by two other nude hikers I led the group like I agreed earlier to our new destination of the waterfall. The entire rest of the hike there was pretty un-eventful and like the two hikers said, we didn’t run into any more people.
When we got to the waterfall it was absolutely beautiful. I wanted to throw down my pack and jump right into the water, but because of another good tip Nana got, we climbed a bit of a rough patch of trail leading up the side of the falls to the top. A lovely little secluded area with a bit of a smaller swimming hole then the base, but still good enough for the amount of people we had. Best part though it was where we couldn’t possibly be snuck up on. So with that bit of security everyone stripped off, set their packs down and jumped in the icy water.
We all swam around a bit, but for me the water was colder than what I wanted to deal with at the moment. So it wasn’t long before I got out of the water and decided to lay on the large rock at the edge of the falls and bask in the sun. I laid there for probably the better part of an hour, soaking in the sun and drying off my skin, when I started to hear laughter from down the trail. I rolled over on the rock and poked my head over to see and could see 5 people coming around the corner to the base of the waterfall. I whispered back to everyone and told them what was up, and the group quieted down. Poking my head back over to watch the group that just came, I could see 2 guys and 3 girls, none in what looked like tremendously good shape. So I had hope that they wouldn’t try or think of making the rough climb up to here, and when I heard one of the guys shriek from the cold water I knew they wouldn’t. I still kept an eye on them though the rest of the time they were here. Which wasn’t too long, they were up and gone as soon as they finished eating their snacks, since the water was obviously too cold for them. I can’t help but laugh at the thought too, that a bunch of girls could skinny dip in this water and yet a guy couldn’t get in to his waist before he ran back out.
A little bit after they were gone, it was time for us to start heading back as well. Though we had a bit of a problem, we weren’t sure how. At least not how with the large pack on our backs, but it wasn’t long before Nana got an idea, and before telling us what it was she jumped from the rock I was laying on to the water below. She freaked everyone out in the process since no one knew if it was deep enough to jump in with out hurting yourself, but her head popped up in no time and she yelled up to us that we could lower the packs down with the rope in her bag, and she could guide them to shore. This worked out great since now we could safely climb down, but since we learned of this new way of getting down, no one really wanted to “climb” down. Instead everyone wanted to jump. First things first though we lowered all the packs down to Nana, than one by one we all jumped to the water below, than climbed back up to do it again :). And once we got tired of that we decided it was really time to head out. We headed back to the area we first camped at the night before, and slept there before finishing the hike back to the car, where I finally got some clothes back.
Want to dare me? Leave a comment or email me with your dare, and as long as it doesn't go over my limits i will perform it.
Limits- Photo's, obvious public, mess, pain, and gross
(gross is subject to my interpretation)
~current dares
none at the moment
~Completed Dares to come
-skinny dipping at camp
-go to a mall and use the massage booth, while two friends control 2 remote vibes
-Bring a digital watch to time yourself with. Find a gym or a place with a big changing room. you might check for a local YWCA or YMCA. any nearby colleges are probably good too. enter the womens changing room and change into only a towel. Then, you have to stay there naked for 15 minutes with a small vibrator going in your pussy. You cannot cum, and you cannot take it out or turn it off unless you lose the towel. If you turn it off or remove it to cool off for a while, you must be naked while it is out.
you can spend the nude time in a shower (only if they are communal, if not, you must leave the door open).
- Much love xoxo
When we got to the trail head Friday night it was pretty dark out, but we planned that. We parked where we thought was allowed. Since their were no other cars there we didn’t really have a clue to where we should of, lol. But we did that and as everyone unloaded the gear I ran off to some bushes to pee. Getting back from watering the trees I saw them all grinning from ear to ear. Curious to what was so funny, I asked them. They simply told me they were cracking some jokes at Nana’s expense. So I really didn’t think much of it. Anyway so we all put on our packs and headed out into the night. The sky was nice and clear with a bright moon, so we really didn’t need our lights for the night hike. At about an hour or 2 into the hike we finally made it to our first camping destination. A nice small little clearing where you could see the stars. We set up camp there which mainly consisted of throwing down some, tarp’s, pad’s and our sleeping bags. My gf and I sharing all 3 a little ways away from the others, and we all went to sleep.
Next morning I woke to everyone already awake cooking breakfast, which consisted of opening up the pop-tarts. As I woke up and got dressed, my gf walked over to me and whispered in my ear asking me if I wanted to go sneak off for a “dip” in the stream a little ways away. The morning air was already quite cool, and the thought of stripping naked in the woods and dipping in that icy water privately with my gf sounded exhilarating, and a great way to start the day. So with a wide smile I agreed and we rushed off giggling telling the group we’d be back in a few. We got to the stream and I immediately threw off my clothes wading through the calf deep water, enjoying it’s icy touch. Turning around in the water enjoying the cool air I told my gf to hurry up and strip down and join me. At first she acted like she was going to pretending to about to take off her shirt, when she gave a devilish smile and ran off with my clothes. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the stream and put on my shoes to walk back to camp, knowing I was probably gonna have an annoying game of keep away or of “find the clothes”. As I tiredly drudged into camp, I could see them all grinning and laughing. Rolling my eyes again I went over to the fire they had started to kind of play along with their little game and to warm up before I went over to my bag to grab some other clothes. As I crouched by the small fire to help warm up the rest of me beyond my legs, Nat came over with a stick and nudged some of the wood on top of the fire, and too my shock my clothes were underneath them. Completely speechless at this point I just went over to my bag to change into some non-burnt clothes, but I couldn’t find in my bag. Looking back at them I couldn’t believe they did that, so I went over to my gf’s bag to steal some clothes, but...nothing.
She had no clothes in her bag. So I went over to Nat’s, again nothing. I was starting to get the picture as I heard them all giggling as I rummaged through their bags not finding anything.
At this point I was kind of getting kind of pouty too, which is really un-like me, but I suppose it was early, it was a bit of a shock and I was also denied a fun skinny dip my gf promised me earlier. So I was probably in my right for my little mood swing though it didn’t last long as my gf came over to me as I was putting away my sleeping bag and pecked me on the cheek to cheer me up. Once I was done packing I went over to everyone and grabbed my share of the food (yummy strawberry poptarts), few of them hugged me in forgiveness, which was kind on their part regardless that they were still giggling about it.
Anyway we finished eating and headed out after applying a massive amount of suntan to myself. The first bit of the hike was a bit nerve racking I must say. Regardless of the fact that we were backpacking in the middle of the wilderness, and odds of running into people is small, the fact that we were hiking on a marked trail is what made me nervous. So resorting to my shy ways, I nestled myself safely in the middle of the group as we hiked, though as the day progressed I found myself able to relax more as I felt the warm sun touch my skin, and as I relaxed I tried to egg on the rest of my friends to join me in my nude exploits, but none would budge thinking it was just a ploy so I could get my hands on there clothes.
With my attempts to get them naked thwarted we all decided to stop for lunch right beside the trail. Lunch was more or less quite except for Cas telling me I should lead the group now since I looked so “comfortable” hiking now. Though not too keen on the idea, but I figured if they were gonna try and torture me I might as well try and have some fun to spite them. So I agreed to take up the front and lead the group. Though about right at that moment as I agreed and was putting some of the lunch stuffs away I began to have seconds thoughts as I heard voices behind me.
Freaking out I went completely wide eyed, but before I could get up and hide they were already around the corner and to the utter surprise to me and the group, they were two heavy set gentlemen hiking completely nude. They walked by smiled and waved to the group and were gonna continue on but Nana started talking to them. I kind of just stood there stunned, but the whole time they were talking to Nana, they didn’t really look over to me much more than they would look over to everyone else.
Soon it wasn’t long before the two hikers were back on there way, and Nana came back over to us and told us what they were talking about. She had found out they hadn’t seen any other hikers since they started their hike yesterday, and that their was a pretty neat waterfall not much farther than what we planned on the hike. Over the stun of just being walked in on by two other nude hikers I led the group like I agreed earlier to our new destination of the waterfall. The entire rest of the hike there was pretty un-eventful and like the two hikers said, we didn’t run into any more people.
When we got to the waterfall it was absolutely beautiful. I wanted to throw down my pack and jump right into the water, but because of another good tip Nana got, we climbed a bit of a rough patch of trail leading up the side of the falls to the top. A lovely little secluded area with a bit of a smaller swimming hole then the base, but still good enough for the amount of people we had. Best part though it was where we couldn’t possibly be snuck up on. So with that bit of security everyone stripped off, set their packs down and jumped in the icy water.
We all swam around a bit, but for me the water was colder than what I wanted to deal with at the moment. So it wasn’t long before I got out of the water and decided to lay on the large rock at the edge of the falls and bask in the sun. I laid there for probably the better part of an hour, soaking in the sun and drying off my skin, when I started to hear laughter from down the trail. I rolled over on the rock and poked my head over to see and could see 5 people coming around the corner to the base of the waterfall. I whispered back to everyone and told them what was up, and the group quieted down. Poking my head back over to watch the group that just came, I could see 2 guys and 3 girls, none in what looked like tremendously good shape. So I had hope that they wouldn’t try or think of making the rough climb up to here, and when I heard one of the guys shriek from the cold water I knew they wouldn’t. I still kept an eye on them though the rest of the time they were here. Which wasn’t too long, they were up and gone as soon as they finished eating their snacks, since the water was obviously too cold for them. I can’t help but laugh at the thought too, that a bunch of girls could skinny dip in this water and yet a guy couldn’t get in to his waist before he ran back out.
A little bit after they were gone, it was time for us to start heading back as well. Though we had a bit of a problem, we weren’t sure how. At least not how with the large pack on our backs, but it wasn’t long before Nana got an idea, and before telling us what it was she jumped from the rock I was laying on to the water below. She freaked everyone out in the process since no one knew if it was deep enough to jump in with out hurting yourself, but her head popped up in no time and she yelled up to us that we could lower the packs down with the rope in her bag, and she could guide them to shore. This worked out great since now we could safely climb down, but since we learned of this new way of getting down, no one really wanted to “climb” down. Instead everyone wanted to jump. First things first though we lowered all the packs down to Nana, than one by one we all jumped to the water below, than climbed back up to do it again :). And once we got tired of that we decided it was really time to head out. We headed back to the area we first camped at the night before, and slept there before finishing the hike back to the car, where I finally got some clothes back.
Want to dare me? Leave a comment or email me with your dare, and as long as it doesn't go over my limits i will perform it.
Limits- Photo's, obvious public, mess, pain, and gross
(gross is subject to my interpretation)
~current dares
none at the moment
~Completed Dares to come
-skinny dipping at camp
-go to a mall and use the massage booth, while two friends control 2 remote vibes
-Bring a digital watch to time yourself with. Find a gym or a place with a big changing room. you might check for a local YWCA or YMCA. any nearby colleges are probably good too. enter the womens changing room and change into only a towel. Then, you have to stay there naked for 15 minutes with a small vibrator going in your pussy. You cannot cum, and you cannot take it out or turn it off unless you lose the towel. If you turn it off or remove it to cool off for a while, you must be naked while it is out.
you can spend the nude time in a shower (only if they are communal, if not, you must leave the door open).
- Much love xoxo
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Some FAQs and other stuff
Alright so a few things have been bugging me quite a bit. I suppose it comes with the territory of what i'm doing but still...
Anyway the first one I managed to forgive alot, cause when I called them on it, they realized it offended me and apologized. Last one though when I called him on it, he saw nothing wrong and only replied with a simple "So"
anyway what i'm talking about is upon first messaging me. if you greet me as Whore, bitch, slut or anything else of a degrading manner. I will block you. Don't get me wrong I can take a joke, but for someone I don't know or haven't talked to ever it's not a joke its just insulting.
next i do not take pictures period! not of me with my face blocked out, not of toys, clothing, not of anything. Firstly yes i have taken pictures in the past and yes it ended very badley as some would put it on every level that i took pictures from body to simple items(what exactly happened i prefer to keep private, please respect that i don't wanna talk about it). though i know alot of you will ask
"why not of items? no one could discern who you are or where you live from a picture of your underwear."
true i know you can't, but when i've done this in the past every time it's like i give people a hand and they try and take an arm. So for everyone that asks i give no exceptions
So i'm sorry but if you need photographic proof, you'll have to find some other girl.
next, no i will not Cam, this goes with what i said above, and that i don't like to think of myself as porn. even though i realize some do get off to what i do, i don't really mind that at all. I feel i can distance myself enough from my writing to the point where you're getting off to the actions and not me physically so i don't really have a problem with it.
"If i send you clothes or toys can i get a private showing or display?" No, on several levels. Firstly like i said, i don't like to think of myself as porn, secondly i don't send out pictures of myself, thirdly i defiantly don't wanna give out my address. I appreciate the offer of sending me fun things i really do. i think it's thoughtful on some level even if you had other intentions lol. but if you really think i'd enjoy it, send me the link to where you found it or the store name. and maybe i'll do some sort of private dare or something with it from you with a bit more of an explicit description than what i usually give.
"How come you never message me or want to play T OR D" it's not that i don't like you or anything, i'm usually a very blunt person. if i'm not gonna talk to you or if you offended me/wierded me out i'll come right out and call you on it. only reason i don't initiate a conversation first and usually wait for you to message me is just because i do. I don't mean anything by it, it's just how i am on the internet. so please don't get offended by it.
Now as for never playing T or D with you, it's honestly i'm just rarely in the mood to play a one on one game. Though i am more inclined to play with people that message and chat with me semi-often. the people however that just message to play and go away and never talk when i'm not in the mood is just that. you just message me to play and never talk to me really. So i have no idea what your into, what type of dares your gonna give, what type of dares would be fun for you. So i really have no idea if the game will be enjoyable at all
lastly "why do you take so long usually to post up the dares you've done? wouldn't they be more detailed and better if you wrote them as soon as you did them?
i don't mean to put them off, i'm not being lazy or anything. it's just beyond the days where i'm bored on the computer i have a very active life. so it's usually very hard to get on asap after the dare and write about it. but i do however keep all the dares i've done in a journal. i write dares i need to do in there and after when i get time (usually at work the next day) i write all that happened in there. and then when i get enough time on the computer i transfer what i wrote in my journal onto the blog. so don't worry, i'm not usually accidently leaving out any juicy details when i post up my dares ;)
much love
Anyway the first one I managed to forgive alot, cause when I called them on it, they realized it offended me and apologized. Last one though when I called him on it, he saw nothing wrong and only replied with a simple "So"
anyway what i'm talking about is upon first messaging me. if you greet me as Whore, bitch, slut or anything else of a degrading manner. I will block you. Don't get me wrong I can take a joke, but for someone I don't know or haven't talked to ever it's not a joke its just insulting.
next i do not take pictures period! not of me with my face blocked out, not of toys, clothing, not of anything. Firstly yes i have taken pictures in the past and yes it ended very badley as some would put it on every level that i took pictures from body to simple items(what exactly happened i prefer to keep private, please respect that i don't wanna talk about it). though i know alot of you will ask
"why not of items? no one could discern who you are or where you live from a picture of your underwear."
true i know you can't, but when i've done this in the past every time it's like i give people a hand and they try and take an arm. So for everyone that asks i give no exceptions
So i'm sorry but if you need photographic proof, you'll have to find some other girl.
next, no i will not Cam, this goes with what i said above, and that i don't like to think of myself as porn. even though i realize some do get off to what i do, i don't really mind that at all. I feel i can distance myself enough from my writing to the point where you're getting off to the actions and not me physically so i don't really have a problem with it.
"If i send you clothes or toys can i get a private showing or display?" No, on several levels. Firstly like i said, i don't like to think of myself as porn, secondly i don't send out pictures of myself, thirdly i defiantly don't wanna give out my address. I appreciate the offer of sending me fun things i really do. i think it's thoughtful on some level even if you had other intentions lol. but if you really think i'd enjoy it, send me the link to where you found it or the store name. and maybe i'll do some sort of private dare or something with it from you with a bit more of an explicit description than what i usually give.
"How come you never message me or want to play T OR D" it's not that i don't like you or anything, i'm usually a very blunt person. if i'm not gonna talk to you or if you offended me/wierded me out i'll come right out and call you on it. only reason i don't initiate a conversation first and usually wait for you to message me is just because i do. I don't mean anything by it, it's just how i am on the internet. so please don't get offended by it.
Now as for never playing T or D with you, it's honestly i'm just rarely in the mood to play a one on one game. Though i am more inclined to play with people that message and chat with me semi-often. the people however that just message to play and go away and never talk when i'm not in the mood is just that. you just message me to play and never talk to me really. So i have no idea what your into, what type of dares your gonna give, what type of dares would be fun for you. So i really have no idea if the game will be enjoyable at all
lastly "why do you take so long usually to post up the dares you've done? wouldn't they be more detailed and better if you wrote them as soon as you did them?
i don't mean to put them off, i'm not being lazy or anything. it's just beyond the days where i'm bored on the computer i have a very active life. so it's usually very hard to get on asap after the dare and write about it. but i do however keep all the dares i've done in a journal. i write dares i need to do in there and after when i get time (usually at work the next day) i write all that happened in there. and then when i get enough time on the computer i transfer what i wrote in my journal onto the blog. so don't worry, i'm not usually accidently leaving out any juicy details when i post up my dares ;)
much love
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Birthday tommorow
so i was gonna keep this on the down low internet wise, but then i thought what they heck it could make my day more interesting. so if anyone has any birthday dares for me i could do during my birthday or during my birthday week. send them this way :)
Want to dare me? Leave a comment or email me with your dare, and as long as it doesn't go over my limits i will perform it.
Limits- Photo's, obvious public, mess, pain, and gross
(gross is subject to my interpretation)
~current dares
none at the moment
~Completed Dares to come
-gf burned my clothes while camping
-skinny dipping at camp
-go to a mall and use the massage booth, while two friends control 2 remote vibes
-Bring a digital watch to time yourself with. Find a gym or a place with a big changing room. you might check for a local YWCA or YMCA. any nearby colleges are probably good too. enter the womens changing room and change into only a towel. Then, you have to stay there naked for 15 minutes with a small vibrator going in your pussy. You cannot cum, and you cannot take it out or turn it off unless you lose the towel. If you turn it off or remove it to cool off for a while, you must be naked while it is out.
you can spend the nude time in a shower (only if they are communal, if not, you must leave the door open).
- Much love xoxo
Want to dare me? Leave a comment or email me with your dare, and as long as it doesn't go over my limits i will perform it.
Limits- Photo's, obvious public, mess, pain, and gross
(gross is subject to my interpretation)
~current dares
none at the moment
~Completed Dares to come
-gf burned my clothes while camping
-skinny dipping at camp
-go to a mall and use the massage booth, while two friends control 2 remote vibes
-Bring a digital watch to time yourself with. Find a gym or a place with a big changing room. you might check for a local YWCA or YMCA. any nearby colleges are probably good too. enter the womens changing room and change into only a towel. Then, you have to stay there naked for 15 minutes with a small vibrator going in your pussy. You cannot cum, and you cannot take it out or turn it off unless you lose the towel. If you turn it off or remove it to cool off for a while, you must be naked while it is out.
you can spend the nude time in a shower (only if they are communal, if not, you must leave the door open).
- Much love xoxo
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Just shirt for the day
The Dare: For an entire day wear only a large shirt
To do this dare I chose a simple long black tee that dropped just under my butt. It was long enough that if I stood and walked (carefully) you couldn’t really see anything, but if I raised my arms or bent over I’d give a good show to anyone around at the time. So I had to be careful.
Getting into my car first thing heading to work was my first indicator that this was gonna be a risky day. As I sat down my shirt pulled up giving me a fresh reminder what I was getting myself into this day.
The drive to work was more or less un-eventful, besides the cop that followed beside me for couple blocks making me nervous as heck, but than again they always make me nervous. So that was nothing new really. As I got to work I pulled into the back corner of the parking lot, and being almost the middle of the day there were several other people in the small lot. I awkwardly walked by them saying hi along the way trying to hurry to the store. When I got to the store, the other employee who I was taking over for was already on her way out. I greeted her, and she just hurried out. Kind of rude I think, but oh well she’s gonna be let go soon (woops! who said that ;)) Anyway I ignored it like I always do and went to go say hi to Nat, who I’d be working with. I went behind the counter and we talked for a little bit, all the while I was a bit eager to tell her about my dare that I was currently doing, but I thought it would be funnier to surprise her in some way.
So the day was passing, it had been a little over an hour since I got to work and I still hadn’t surprised Nat with what I was wearing. Customers were coming and going, and I was getting fairly excited standing next to them knowing something they didn’t, but I was starting to get really eager to show Nat. Almost coming to the point where I thought of just walking up and flashing her. Luckily though it didn’t come down to something so lame and un-fun. As the store started to quite down a little bit, and Nat was finishing her late lunch. A single girl walked in, she was a little taller then me and kind of cute, and since Nat was eating I got the pleasure of helping her. I showed her around a little bit, letting her see different things, still itching to show Nat, and I finally got my chance too. The girl asked to see something that was hanging high on the wall, well out of hand reach, so I went to the side and grabbed the pole we use to take items off the wall. On my way back from grabbing the pole I smiled at Nat and gave her one of those “hey watch me” winks. She smiled and gave me a strange look as I saw her gaze follow me to help the girl. When I got over to the girl, I stupidly on purpose kept pointing with the pole to the wrong shirts, trying to keep her eyes focused on where I was grabbing and not on me, and when I felt it was safe enough I quickly lifted the pole all the way to grab the shirt off the wall. This in turn forced me to raise my arms high which let my shirt raise nice and high giving Nat a good peek, causing her to spit out her drink she was drinking. Hearing that I quickly lowered my arms bringing down the shirt as we both looked back at Nat. I asked if she was alright, trying to keep from laughing myself, knowing full well why she was choking on her soda.
As the girl took the shirt into the dressing room to try it on, I had to try my hardest to keep from laughing out loud as Nat just stared wide eyed at me. I was gonna go over to her to talk about it, but right about then the girl came back out to buy it and left. Once she was gone we both exploded in laughter, Nat coming over to me, lifting up my shirt saying she wish she had a camera. We laughed a bit more, I explained what was going on and tried egging her on to join me, but she wouldn’t do it. I knew however that work was about to get a lot more interesting for the day, and that she was gonna have a lot of fun with me. (Since those were her exact words, lol) so through out the day I had to deal with her flicking up my shirt randomly, and taking the bottom back of my shirt and pinning it to the middle back, just out of hand reach. Forcing me to take it off completely so I could take off the safety pin. Almost getting caught a few times, I had to duck behind a clothing rack taking off my shirt as several customers walked in, managing to get it back on in just the nick of time.
As the day progressed her pranks got meaner, funnier I’ll admit but meaner none the less. To start thing off she got a spray bottle and lightly misted my chest, not enough to soak it, but enough to make the shirt stick. It wasn’t too bad since the shirt was black but it was still kind of annoying trying to peel it off my chest every couple of minutes. Later as I was standing around I felt it starting to get really cold, sending goose bumps down my body, though luckily it wasn’t making my nipples horribly hard, so that was nice. I knew what was going on though, figuring it was just Nat turning on the air conditioner to mess with me. I went over to the controls only to find out she locked the cover to it. Before I could turn around I felt a cold rush as Nat quickly cupped both my breasts under the shirt with both her hands filled with ice. I freaked out and jumped a bit, but she kept her grip tight around me using the wall as support with me squirming trying to get free, but for the most part she had me locked against the wall, and when she locked her legs around mine we both went down, her hands still gripping tight, unfortunately for me now she had my body locked and only thing I could do on the ground was scream and wiggle, as she laughed her head off freezing my nipples. It wasn’t long though before she let up and helped me up. Once up she laughed and pointed at my chest. My nipples were clearly hard through the shirt for anyone that looked close enough, that and the ice made the shirt wetter so it stuck more as well. I pulled the shirt away from my chest, slightly embarrassed. I told Nat I was gonna go dry off as I walked away, but before I could get to the bathroom she stopped me and said she’d make me a deal, saying if I stayed the way I was I could stay behind the register and she would work the floor.
It sounded like a good deal, and a way for me to relax a bit with out worrying about the customers. So I agreed to the deal and headed behind the counter, and had a relaxing next couple of hours, even though the air was turned on full blast. (I swear it could of snowed), but it still beat having not to worry about her doing something to me in front of someone else. Though since I got such a nice break, my guard was a bit down for her final prank. Not paying attention I didn’t see her sneak behind me with a small floor fan, and after I said hello to a customer that just walked in she turned on the fan. Luckily though my hands were neatly folded in front of me so I managed to catch the front of the shirt before it went high at all, but I can’t say the same thing for the back, but before the customer could turn around to see what was going on I ducked down behind the counter and turned the fan off. Getting back up the customer gave a weird look, and I pretended to shiver and say it was cold (which was true, it was freakin cold!) She agreed and went back to her browsing. All the while Nat had a grin from ear to ear. I shook my head and fist at her telling her I will get her back, but she only hugged me and pecked me on the cheek saying I’m just too much fun to mess with. Then she showed me her recent text messages on her phone, which were prank ideas from close friends which she had been doing to me. (I knew she wasn’t that creative :p)
all in all it was an incredibly fun and exciting day, and I’m not sure if I’ll be getting revenge on Nat or not since I think this was a bit of her revenge for certain past event. Oh well we’ll just have to see.
Want to dare me? Leave a comment or email me with your dare, and as long as it doesn't go over my limits i will perform it.
Limits- Photo's, obvious public, mess, pain, and gross
(gross is subject to my interpretation)
~current dares
-go to a mall and use the massage booth, while two friends control 2 remote vibes
-Bring a digital watch to time yourself with. Find a gym or a place with a big changing room. you might check for a local YWCA or YMCA. any nearby colleges are probably good too. enter the womens changing room and change into only a towel. Then, you have to stay there naked for 15 minutes with a small vibrator going in your pussy. You cannot cum, and you cannot take it out or turn it off unless you lose the towel. If you turn it off or remove it to cool off for a while, you must be naked while it is out.
you can spend the nude time in a shower (only if they are communal, if not, you must leave the door open).
~Completed Dares to come
gf burned my clothes while camping
skinny dipping at camp
- Much love xoxo
To do this dare I chose a simple long black tee that dropped just under my butt. It was long enough that if I stood and walked (carefully) you couldn’t really see anything, but if I raised my arms or bent over I’d give a good show to anyone around at the time. So I had to be careful.
Getting into my car first thing heading to work was my first indicator that this was gonna be a risky day. As I sat down my shirt pulled up giving me a fresh reminder what I was getting myself into this day.
The drive to work was more or less un-eventful, besides the cop that followed beside me for couple blocks making me nervous as heck, but than again they always make me nervous. So that was nothing new really. As I got to work I pulled into the back corner of the parking lot, and being almost the middle of the day there were several other people in the small lot. I awkwardly walked by them saying hi along the way trying to hurry to the store. When I got to the store, the other employee who I was taking over for was already on her way out. I greeted her, and she just hurried out. Kind of rude I think, but oh well she’s gonna be let go soon (woops! who said that ;)) Anyway I ignored it like I always do and went to go say hi to Nat, who I’d be working with. I went behind the counter and we talked for a little bit, all the while I was a bit eager to tell her about my dare that I was currently doing, but I thought it would be funnier to surprise her in some way.
So the day was passing, it had been a little over an hour since I got to work and I still hadn’t surprised Nat with what I was wearing. Customers were coming and going, and I was getting fairly excited standing next to them knowing something they didn’t, but I was starting to get really eager to show Nat. Almost coming to the point where I thought of just walking up and flashing her. Luckily though it didn’t come down to something so lame and un-fun. As the store started to quite down a little bit, and Nat was finishing her late lunch. A single girl walked in, she was a little taller then me and kind of cute, and since Nat was eating I got the pleasure of helping her. I showed her around a little bit, letting her see different things, still itching to show Nat, and I finally got my chance too. The girl asked to see something that was hanging high on the wall, well out of hand reach, so I went to the side and grabbed the pole we use to take items off the wall. On my way back from grabbing the pole I smiled at Nat and gave her one of those “hey watch me” winks. She smiled and gave me a strange look as I saw her gaze follow me to help the girl. When I got over to the girl, I stupidly on purpose kept pointing with the pole to the wrong shirts, trying to keep her eyes focused on where I was grabbing and not on me, and when I felt it was safe enough I quickly lifted the pole all the way to grab the shirt off the wall. This in turn forced me to raise my arms high which let my shirt raise nice and high giving Nat a good peek, causing her to spit out her drink she was drinking. Hearing that I quickly lowered my arms bringing down the shirt as we both looked back at Nat. I asked if she was alright, trying to keep from laughing myself, knowing full well why she was choking on her soda.
As the girl took the shirt into the dressing room to try it on, I had to try my hardest to keep from laughing out loud as Nat just stared wide eyed at me. I was gonna go over to her to talk about it, but right about then the girl came back out to buy it and left. Once she was gone we both exploded in laughter, Nat coming over to me, lifting up my shirt saying she wish she had a camera. We laughed a bit more, I explained what was going on and tried egging her on to join me, but she wouldn’t do it. I knew however that work was about to get a lot more interesting for the day, and that she was gonna have a lot of fun with me. (Since those were her exact words, lol) so through out the day I had to deal with her flicking up my shirt randomly, and taking the bottom back of my shirt and pinning it to the middle back, just out of hand reach. Forcing me to take it off completely so I could take off the safety pin. Almost getting caught a few times, I had to duck behind a clothing rack taking off my shirt as several customers walked in, managing to get it back on in just the nick of time.
As the day progressed her pranks got meaner, funnier I’ll admit but meaner none the less. To start thing off she got a spray bottle and lightly misted my chest, not enough to soak it, but enough to make the shirt stick. It wasn’t too bad since the shirt was black but it was still kind of annoying trying to peel it off my chest every couple of minutes. Later as I was standing around I felt it starting to get really cold, sending goose bumps down my body, though luckily it wasn’t making my nipples horribly hard, so that was nice. I knew what was going on though, figuring it was just Nat turning on the air conditioner to mess with me. I went over to the controls only to find out she locked the cover to it. Before I could turn around I felt a cold rush as Nat quickly cupped both my breasts under the shirt with both her hands filled with ice. I freaked out and jumped a bit, but she kept her grip tight around me using the wall as support with me squirming trying to get free, but for the most part she had me locked against the wall, and when she locked her legs around mine we both went down, her hands still gripping tight, unfortunately for me now she had my body locked and only thing I could do on the ground was scream and wiggle, as she laughed her head off freezing my nipples. It wasn’t long though before she let up and helped me up. Once up she laughed and pointed at my chest. My nipples were clearly hard through the shirt for anyone that looked close enough, that and the ice made the shirt wetter so it stuck more as well. I pulled the shirt away from my chest, slightly embarrassed. I told Nat I was gonna go dry off as I walked away, but before I could get to the bathroom she stopped me and said she’d make me a deal, saying if I stayed the way I was I could stay behind the register and she would work the floor.
It sounded like a good deal, and a way for me to relax a bit with out worrying about the customers. So I agreed to the deal and headed behind the counter, and had a relaxing next couple of hours, even though the air was turned on full blast. (I swear it could of snowed), but it still beat having not to worry about her doing something to me in front of someone else. Though since I got such a nice break, my guard was a bit down for her final prank. Not paying attention I didn’t see her sneak behind me with a small floor fan, and after I said hello to a customer that just walked in she turned on the fan. Luckily though my hands were neatly folded in front of me so I managed to catch the front of the shirt before it went high at all, but I can’t say the same thing for the back, but before the customer could turn around to see what was going on I ducked down behind the counter and turned the fan off. Getting back up the customer gave a weird look, and I pretended to shiver and say it was cold (which was true, it was freakin cold!) She agreed and went back to her browsing. All the while Nat had a grin from ear to ear. I shook my head and fist at her telling her I will get her back, but she only hugged me and pecked me on the cheek saying I’m just too much fun to mess with. Then she showed me her recent text messages on her phone, which were prank ideas from close friends which she had been doing to me. (I knew she wasn’t that creative :p)
all in all it was an incredibly fun and exciting day, and I’m not sure if I’ll be getting revenge on Nat or not since I think this was a bit of her revenge for certain past event. Oh well we’ll just have to see.
Want to dare me? Leave a comment or email me with your dare, and as long as it doesn't go over my limits i will perform it.
Limits- Photo's, obvious public, mess, pain, and gross
(gross is subject to my interpretation)
~current dares
-go to a mall and use the massage booth, while two friends control 2 remote vibes
-Bring a digital watch to time yourself with. Find a gym or a place with a big changing room. you might check for a local YWCA or YMCA. any nearby colleges are probably good too. enter the womens changing room and change into only a towel. Then, you have to stay there naked for 15 minutes with a small vibrator going in your pussy. You cannot cum, and you cannot take it out or turn it off unless you lose the towel. If you turn it off or remove it to cool off for a while, you must be naked while it is out.
you can spend the nude time in a shower (only if they are communal, if not, you must leave the door open).
~Completed Dares to come
gf burned my clothes while camping
skinny dipping at camp
- Much love xoxo
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
alright so do to the no vote (curse you) lol j/p i love you :) i will be keeping up both the livejournal and the blog
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Change Blog
So, my Blog Master wants me to ask the public if i should change my blog over to livejournal. Since it has more features and all that fun stuff. personally i have zero preference on where this blog is. so yea i don't care. it's up to you all.
just go vote in the poll
just go vote in the poll
Monday, July 21, 2008
i'm really sad, i lost my journal. which had a number of small and large dares i performed awhile back that i never had time to put in the blog. :(
also in the journal was the week long dare of no clothes under bellybutton for a week. though i remember small bits of it, not really enough to make a decent/interesting blog about it :(.
i'm so sorry :(
also in the journal was the week long dare of no clothes under bellybutton for a week. though i remember small bits of it, not really enough to make a decent/interesting blog about it :(.
i'm so sorry :(
Exciting Survey
The Dare: go dressed provocatively to a public place like the mall, and ask people to fill
out surveys. get 15 people to take it, while your gf has the remote to your vibrating underwear that you will be wearing underneath your clothes.
This dare was extremely exciting I must admit. I talked to my Gf about this dare and it took absolutely no convincing to get her to come along and help me with it. Though before we headed out to the mall to do this she insisted I change my clothes to something a bit more amusing. I was originally going to wear a white tiered miniskirt, and light pink top, but she insisted on something else, and when I saw that something else I whole heartedly agreed with her. She grabbed me a school uniform costume of hers, short sleeve white button up collar shirt, short green and black plaid pleated skirt, and matching tie. Once I switched clothes, we printed up the survey and jumped into my car and headed out to the mall. When we got to the mall and were heading across the parking lot my Gf surprised me by “testing” the remote a couple times during the walk to the entrance. Needless to say I was a bit surprised, but we got a good laugh out of it.
Finally getting inside the mall, we wandered around a bit to find a nice crowded area that would be good for the dare. And once we found our spot, it was time to get started. I turned around and my Gf went into one of the stores to hide so I couldn’t see her. Kind of to add a bit of that mystery element of not being able to see her when she does it. Thus a bit more of a surprise. Since she was now good and hidden, it was time for me to start filling out my survey. The survey it’s self consisted of; age, party affiliation, who they plan to vote for, and stand on gay marriage.
Feeling a bit nervous, I looked around a bit to find my first person to interview. Seeing a family walking my way I walked towards them and asked them if they wouldn’t mind taking a survey for a summer class. The father agreed and I began asking him the questions anxiously awaiting a vibration from down below, but I finished up and still nothing. After the family walked away I looked around a bit to see if I could spot her, thinking maybe she just wasn’t paying attention. Spending only a few minutes doing that, I went on to find my second person to answer the survey. After I did and nothing happened, I started to think I was gonna get off easy on this dare if I did it fast enough, but I was sorely mistaken.
Trying to find my next person, I came across these 2 guys, and right when I finished the first question it caught me by surprise, causing me to gasp and drop my pen. I tried to pass it off as something poked me on my clip board. Not sure if they bought it or not, but either way I’m sure they didn’t know exactly what was going on. As I started to bend over awkwardly to pick up the pen I dropped, my gf started to try and pulsate the underwear turning it on and off. I could feel my face was turning red from the excitement and embarrassment, and one of the guys confirmed it when he asked if I was feeling alright. I just told him I was feeling warm, and we finished up the questions.
Once I was done with those two the vibrations wouldn’t stop. It was driving me crazy to the point I couldn’t walk with out wanting to collapse, which I ended up doing. Trying to maintain my composure I quickly walked over to the bench and just collapsed on it, clutching my clipboard to my chest trying to hide my (luckily) not so obvious hard nipples (thank goodness I wore a bra). After a little bit the vibrations finally stopped and I was able to relax and pick myself back up to finish the dare. Finding a young couple this time I was prepared for when my gf would turn it on, though even being prepared this time she didn’t turn it on. Trying to finish this quickly now I found another family, and in the middle of the first question I asked, she turned it on. I only stumbled a little this time with my words, and managed to keep myself composed during the interview. Though unfortunately for me the family was really passionate about politics which made it an extremely long interview. Being stuck in the middle of the family’s political debate with my underwear going on and off was also very uncomfortable. I couldn’t really stand still and I felt myself starting to blush again as I knew I was getting really wet, but I didn’t want to be rude either so I couldn’t just leave, and I’m really too timid to try and interrupt the family. So I just stood in the middle of the families argument with my underwear quietly buzzing, driving me wild. I actually had to bite my lip to keep from gasping or moaning, and when I found myself wanting to stick my hand up my skirt I decided I needed to finish this interview being rude or not. So I butted in and finished asking them questions quickly not letting them go off on some tangent, and when they were done I found myself giving a sigh of relief as my underwear stopped too. I wanted to sit back down and relax again, but I knew it was just gonna make things worse and drag this out longer. At this point I just wanted to get it finished so I could get home and “finish”. I ran around a bit more getting more people to take to the survey, and each time, whenever my gf turned it on it wasn’t too bad. I was able to keep myself focused and not think about it with everyone till my last group of people.
I got a group of five guys to agree to take the survey, which was a bit lucky since I only needed four more to finish. I started interviewing and right when I expected it too my underwear went on. I kept myself cool and calm though, and continued on with the questions. Unluckily for me, I got another group with passionate political views. As they started arguing I was starting to get nervous as the group enclose all around me. Which I don’t think they meant to, I more think they just forgot about me, after all I didn’t even come up to their shoulder. They were six foot plus of muscle, and I was this 5'3 petite little girl caught in the middle. I’m sure being squished between 5 big guys was some girls fantasy, but it wasn’t mine and I was starting to feel extremely claustrophobic, though I wasn’t sure if it was from them or the underwear pulsing on my clit. Either way my face was flushed, my heart was going a mile a minute, and I could of drawn blood I was biting my lip so hard. It was driving me crazy and I was really worried I was gonna climax, so as discreetly as I could I clutched the clipboard to my chest and held my head down to try and calm myself. Thankfully I didn’t and one of the guys finally realized I was still there and they were suffocating me. So nicely he got everyone’s attention back to me and they all apologized sincerely and we quickly finished up the questions and I collapsed on a bench as my underwear once again stopped vibrating. My heart however was still beating pretty fast, and I was breathing pretty heavily when I saw my gf walking out of the book store across from me with a huge grin on her face, she came up to me and commented on how bright red my face was and asked if I wanted to head home. Weakly I nodded and we headed out back home so we could “finish” up.
Note~ i know i was supposed to perform this dare awhile ago, but some life stuff got in the way and i never had time till last week. so I apologize to the dare giver of this dare for being so late
Want to dare me? Leave a comment or email me with your dare, and as long as it doesn't go over my limits i will perform it.
Limits- Photo's, obvious public, mess, pain, and gross
(gross is subject to my interpretation)
~current dares
none at the moment you should fix that ;)
- Much love xoxo
out surveys. get 15 people to take it, while your gf has the remote to your vibrating underwear that you will be wearing underneath your clothes.
This dare was extremely exciting I must admit. I talked to my Gf about this dare and it took absolutely no convincing to get her to come along and help me with it. Though before we headed out to the mall to do this she insisted I change my clothes to something a bit more amusing. I was originally going to wear a white tiered miniskirt, and light pink top, but she insisted on something else, and when I saw that something else I whole heartedly agreed with her. She grabbed me a school uniform costume of hers, short sleeve white button up collar shirt, short green and black plaid pleated skirt, and matching tie. Once I switched clothes, we printed up the survey and jumped into my car and headed out to the mall. When we got to the mall and were heading across the parking lot my Gf surprised me by “testing” the remote a couple times during the walk to the entrance. Needless to say I was a bit surprised, but we got a good laugh out of it.
Finally getting inside the mall, we wandered around a bit to find a nice crowded area that would be good for the dare. And once we found our spot, it was time to get started. I turned around and my Gf went into one of the stores to hide so I couldn’t see her. Kind of to add a bit of that mystery element of not being able to see her when she does it. Thus a bit more of a surprise. Since she was now good and hidden, it was time for me to start filling out my survey. The survey it’s self consisted of; age, party affiliation, who they plan to vote for, and stand on gay marriage.
Feeling a bit nervous, I looked around a bit to find my first person to interview. Seeing a family walking my way I walked towards them and asked them if they wouldn’t mind taking a survey for a summer class. The father agreed and I began asking him the questions anxiously awaiting a vibration from down below, but I finished up and still nothing. After the family walked away I looked around a bit to see if I could spot her, thinking maybe she just wasn’t paying attention. Spending only a few minutes doing that, I went on to find my second person to answer the survey. After I did and nothing happened, I started to think I was gonna get off easy on this dare if I did it fast enough, but I was sorely mistaken.
Trying to find my next person, I came across these 2 guys, and right when I finished the first question it caught me by surprise, causing me to gasp and drop my pen. I tried to pass it off as something poked me on my clip board. Not sure if they bought it or not, but either way I’m sure they didn’t know exactly what was going on. As I started to bend over awkwardly to pick up the pen I dropped, my gf started to try and pulsate the underwear turning it on and off. I could feel my face was turning red from the excitement and embarrassment, and one of the guys confirmed it when he asked if I was feeling alright. I just told him I was feeling warm, and we finished up the questions.
Once I was done with those two the vibrations wouldn’t stop. It was driving me crazy to the point I couldn’t walk with out wanting to collapse, which I ended up doing. Trying to maintain my composure I quickly walked over to the bench and just collapsed on it, clutching my clipboard to my chest trying to hide my (luckily) not so obvious hard nipples (thank goodness I wore a bra). After a little bit the vibrations finally stopped and I was able to relax and pick myself back up to finish the dare. Finding a young couple this time I was prepared for when my gf would turn it on, though even being prepared this time she didn’t turn it on. Trying to finish this quickly now I found another family, and in the middle of the first question I asked, she turned it on. I only stumbled a little this time with my words, and managed to keep myself composed during the interview. Though unfortunately for me the family was really passionate about politics which made it an extremely long interview. Being stuck in the middle of the family’s political debate with my underwear going on and off was also very uncomfortable. I couldn’t really stand still and I felt myself starting to blush again as I knew I was getting really wet, but I didn’t want to be rude either so I couldn’t just leave, and I’m really too timid to try and interrupt the family. So I just stood in the middle of the families argument with my underwear quietly buzzing, driving me wild. I actually had to bite my lip to keep from gasping or moaning, and when I found myself wanting to stick my hand up my skirt I decided I needed to finish this interview being rude or not. So I butted in and finished asking them questions quickly not letting them go off on some tangent, and when they were done I found myself giving a sigh of relief as my underwear stopped too. I wanted to sit back down and relax again, but I knew it was just gonna make things worse and drag this out longer. At this point I just wanted to get it finished so I could get home and “finish”. I ran around a bit more getting more people to take to the survey, and each time, whenever my gf turned it on it wasn’t too bad. I was able to keep myself focused and not think about it with everyone till my last group of people.
I got a group of five guys to agree to take the survey, which was a bit lucky since I only needed four more to finish. I started interviewing and right when I expected it too my underwear went on. I kept myself cool and calm though, and continued on with the questions. Unluckily for me, I got another group with passionate political views. As they started arguing I was starting to get nervous as the group enclose all around me. Which I don’t think they meant to, I more think they just forgot about me, after all I didn’t even come up to their shoulder. They were six foot plus of muscle, and I was this 5'3 petite little girl caught in the middle. I’m sure being squished between 5 big guys was some girls fantasy, but it wasn’t mine and I was starting to feel extremely claustrophobic, though I wasn’t sure if it was from them or the underwear pulsing on my clit. Either way my face was flushed, my heart was going a mile a minute, and I could of drawn blood I was biting my lip so hard. It was driving me crazy and I was really worried I was gonna climax, so as discreetly as I could I clutched the clipboard to my chest and held my head down to try and calm myself. Thankfully I didn’t and one of the guys finally realized I was still there and they were suffocating me. So nicely he got everyone’s attention back to me and they all apologized sincerely and we quickly finished up the questions and I collapsed on a bench as my underwear once again stopped vibrating. My heart however was still beating pretty fast, and I was breathing pretty heavily when I saw my gf walking out of the book store across from me with a huge grin on her face, she came up to me and commented on how bright red my face was and asked if I wanted to head home. Weakly I nodded and we headed out back home so we could “finish” up.
Note~ i know i was supposed to perform this dare awhile ago, but some life stuff got in the way and i never had time till last week. so I apologize to the dare giver of this dare for being so late
Want to dare me? Leave a comment or email me with your dare, and as long as it doesn't go over my limits i will perform it.
Limits- Photo's, obvious public, mess, pain, and gross
(gross is subject to my interpretation)
~current dares
none at the moment you should fix that ;)
- Much love xoxo
Sunday, July 6, 2008
June 30th
Alright so life and computer are all back in check thankfully. so i'll be back accepting dares and blogging about my exciting adventures.
The Dare: Set of dares given to me in a AIM conversation.
So I was talking with this guy from a dare website on AIM who wanted to give me dares bout a week back. The first dare he gave me was easy yet it was also hard at the same time. He dared me to take a sponge bath in my neighbors yard in a bikini. Now I really didn’t want to do this, but it was so simple I really couldn’t say no. Reason I didn’t want to do this was mainly I just hate people I don’t know watching me, I really don’t like the attention to put it simply. That’s why I prefer the discreet dares where if I screw up I’m guaranteed the attention but if I do it right I can slip through un-noticed for the most part.
Anyway so he gave me this dare and I went to carry it out. I put on a simple black 2 piece, grabbed some soap and a bucket and went next door. There wasn’t anyone outside in the street so I felt relatively relaxed while heading over to the house and filling up the bucket. About half way through washing myself some little kids strolled by on their razors, they didn’t say anything they just gave me a weird look. Which was embarrassing enough for me to hurry it up and head back home.
As I got back on the computer I saw I had another dare waiting before I could even tell him how that one went. For the next one I had to put on a tight shirt (I chose a simple green tee), and a short skirt (I chose a pleated jean skirt). All with no underwear, and what I had to do is, walk around my neighborhood with this on while keeping a vibrating bullet in me, and I couldn’t cum to top it off. So dressed I headed out to do the dare, like earlier their wasn’t anyone really out, so I was relatively free to enjoy the pulsations of the vibrator deep with in me. Everything was going great, till I ran into this old couple gardening in their front lawn. I tried to walk past them, but un-lucky for me they are the “nice” old people that like to chat. So not wanting to be rude I stopped and awkwardly chit-chatted about everyday things, and it was about the time I could start to feel a bit of juice running down my thigh that I decided to try and quickly end the conversation and head out. Easier said then done, they just kept chatting and I could feel it drip further down my leg, knowing full well with out looking that it was easily past my skirt. It was at that point I said I had to go and walked away hurriedly. Once I felt I was far enough away I looked down to see how bad it was, it really wasn’t too bad. Very small drip, but it was far down my leg and I felt I could cum soon from doing this in public. So I picked up the pace a bit, so I wouldn’t have to take the toy out and walk with it in my hands. Something I didn’t think I’d be able to explain to anyone I ran across.
The rest of the walk was relatively easy, even though the streets were starting to get more crowded with cars heading to their houses, but I didn’t have to talk with anyone else so that made me happy.
Getting back home he had one last dare for me to decide if I could cum or not. I had to call someone and have them answer a political survey. I don’t remember the questions exactly, but what I got out of it was that I was allowed to cum :) So that’s always a good thing. Though this was a bit practice for when I do that last dare again. But at that time it’ll be at the mall, having people answer the questions in person, and my gf at the controls of my stimulation. But you’ll hear all about that when I do it tomorrow. ;)
Want to dare me? Simply leave a comment or email me with your dare, and as long as it doesn't go over my limits i will perform it.
Limits- Photo's, obvious public, mess, pain, and gross
(gross is subject to my interpretation)
~current dares
Go to a mall wearing a provocative outfit, and have people fill out a survey while someone controls via remote your vibrating underwear
- Much love xoxo
The Dare: Set of dares given to me in a AIM conversation.
So I was talking with this guy from a dare website on AIM who wanted to give me dares bout a week back. The first dare he gave me was easy yet it was also hard at the same time. He dared me to take a sponge bath in my neighbors yard in a bikini. Now I really didn’t want to do this, but it was so simple I really couldn’t say no. Reason I didn’t want to do this was mainly I just hate people I don’t know watching me, I really don’t like the attention to put it simply. That’s why I prefer the discreet dares where if I screw up I’m guaranteed the attention but if I do it right I can slip through un-noticed for the most part.
Anyway so he gave me this dare and I went to carry it out. I put on a simple black 2 piece, grabbed some soap and a bucket and went next door. There wasn’t anyone outside in the street so I felt relatively relaxed while heading over to the house and filling up the bucket. About half way through washing myself some little kids strolled by on their razors, they didn’t say anything they just gave me a weird look. Which was embarrassing enough for me to hurry it up and head back home.
As I got back on the computer I saw I had another dare waiting before I could even tell him how that one went. For the next one I had to put on a tight shirt (I chose a simple green tee), and a short skirt (I chose a pleated jean skirt). All with no underwear, and what I had to do is, walk around my neighborhood with this on while keeping a vibrating bullet in me, and I couldn’t cum to top it off. So dressed I headed out to do the dare, like earlier their wasn’t anyone really out, so I was relatively free to enjoy the pulsations of the vibrator deep with in me. Everything was going great, till I ran into this old couple gardening in their front lawn. I tried to walk past them, but un-lucky for me they are the “nice” old people that like to chat. So not wanting to be rude I stopped and awkwardly chit-chatted about everyday things, and it was about the time I could start to feel a bit of juice running down my thigh that I decided to try and quickly end the conversation and head out. Easier said then done, they just kept chatting and I could feel it drip further down my leg, knowing full well with out looking that it was easily past my skirt. It was at that point I said I had to go and walked away hurriedly. Once I felt I was far enough away I looked down to see how bad it was, it really wasn’t too bad. Very small drip, but it was far down my leg and I felt I could cum soon from doing this in public. So I picked up the pace a bit, so I wouldn’t have to take the toy out and walk with it in my hands. Something I didn’t think I’d be able to explain to anyone I ran across.
The rest of the walk was relatively easy, even though the streets were starting to get more crowded with cars heading to their houses, but I didn’t have to talk with anyone else so that made me happy.
Getting back home he had one last dare for me to decide if I could cum or not. I had to call someone and have them answer a political survey. I don’t remember the questions exactly, but what I got out of it was that I was allowed to cum :) So that’s always a good thing. Though this was a bit practice for when I do that last dare again. But at that time it’ll be at the mall, having people answer the questions in person, and my gf at the controls of my stimulation. But you’ll hear all about that when I do it tomorrow. ;)
Want to dare me? Simply leave a comment or email me with your dare, and as long as it doesn't go over my limits i will perform it.
Limits- Photo's, obvious public, mess, pain, and gross
(gross is subject to my interpretation)
~current dares
Go to a mall wearing a provocative outfit, and have people fill out a survey while someone controls via remote your vibrating underwear
- Much love xoxo
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Blog Hiatus
due to some computer and life issues, my blog will be on hiatus, till things get better. i know i was supposed to post a few entries on past adventures, but those will have to wait. i did write them down in a journal so i wouldn't forget anything i did, it's just it'll be a little bit before i put them up
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Road Trip & other stuff
Hello everyone i've got some exciting news (at least for me anyway) I'm going on a road trip with some friends and we'll be coming to your house to throw sexy parties.... err just kidding :p haha, but seriously i am leaving for a road trip in a couple days and ironically checking my blog today i noticed i recieved a car based dare, and after talking to several other friends and letting them know i was doing a road trip got a couple more. So in the spirit of it, i'm letting everyone know about it and anyone who thinks they can come up with fun dares for the trip let me know either here, or in email
Few details about the trip
-3 people going including myself Nat and my gf (others may join un-sure yet)
-destinations are mainly middle of no where towns, couple ghost towns, and few major cities (exact destinations i'm keeping private)
-we may camp some nights and stay in a motel other, all depends on where we are and how much we want to spend.
The Dare(s):
(1)Anytime you're in a car...when you drive or ride with a sympathetic friend (Nat or your girlfriend for example; unsympathetic friends, strangers, family...those are excepted), you may ride up front, but any article of clothing that covers you below your belly button must ride in the trunk.
That means all pants, skirts, panties, shirts that fall below your belly button, socks, shoes...those must go in the trunk leaving you naked from the waist down before you get into the drivers' or passengers' seat.
The dare lasts for one week (7 days) and you have to blog about it daily.
(2)continue to update your "toy" listing whenever you purchase new toys
(3) for your road trip, wear for as long as safely possible your anal jewelry butt plug each day.
ew toys:
1 emerald styled anal jewelry
Specs from site: 3 inches in length, 1.1 inches at widest point, .3 inch stem, weight 6.3 oz.
Alrighty that's all for now, time for me to start my 7 day dare
much love xoxo
Few details about the trip
-3 people going including myself Nat and my gf (others may join un-sure yet)
-destinations are mainly middle of no where towns, couple ghost towns, and few major cities (exact destinations i'm keeping private)
-we may camp some nights and stay in a motel other, all depends on where we are and how much we want to spend.
The Dare(s):
(1)Anytime you're in a car...when you drive or ride with a sympathetic friend (Nat or your girlfriend for example; unsympathetic friends, strangers, family...those are excepted), you may ride up front, but any article of clothing that covers you below your belly button must ride in the trunk.
That means all pants, skirts, panties, shirts that fall below your belly button, socks, shoes...those must go in the trunk leaving you naked from the waist down before you get into the drivers' or passengers' seat.
The dare lasts for one week (7 days) and you have to blog about it daily.
(2)continue to update your "toy" listing whenever you purchase new toys
(3) for your road trip, wear for as long as safely possible your anal jewelry butt plug each day.
1 emerald styled anal jewelry
Specs from site: 3 inches in length, 1.1 inches at widest point, .3 inch stem, weight 6.3 oz.
Alrighty that's all for now, time for me to start my 7 day dare
much love xoxo
Sunday, June 15, 2008
The List
The Dare: From the "Blog Master" Create an organized listing of every toy and exotic costume you own, so people can have a better idea for toy dares
(4) panty pals
Vibrating thong
rubber ducky bath vibrator
ipod vibrator with garter belt(6 inch vibrators)
vibra phone
vibrating pen
Ibuzz music vibrator(twin bullets)
(3) key chain mini vibrators
lip stick vibrator
bunny vibrating harness, clitoral and 4inch insert and anal teaser
compact case wired mini bullet vibe
vibrating thong black lace
Animal tail butt plugs
-2 cat tails, one limp, another manipulable
-Fox tail
-white bunny tail
-pony tail plug
Funnel butt plug
inflatable butt plug
black silicone butt plugs
Red feather butt plug
Few pink Butt plugs
Various artistic pyrex butt plugs
heavy metal butt plug
foot long anal beads
(10) metal self adjust anal beads (pre-holed balls to make your own length anal beads)
Thai Jelly anal beads 11" long 10 balls, largest ball 1"
inflatable vibrating butt plug
anal ring toss(sex game)
jelly butt plug vibrator
pyrex glass butt plug
emerald anal jewelry butt plug
mini blue wireless multi-speed buttplug (waterproof)
red fur lined fuzzy cuffs
metal cuffs
Black name embroidered cat collar
Silk bondage rope
locking thigh-cuffs
adjustable spreader bar with cuffs
easy access restraint (wrist locked near ankles)
Nylon adjustable restraints
small Chastity g-belt
Sex candles red/white
connected nipple chain clamps (able to connect to clit, and a Collar)
x4 nipple clamps with hanging bells (x2 matching clit bell)
pair of nipple clamps with magnetic weights (x6 1 ounce each )
dangling heart nipple rings
x4 vibrating nipple clamps
standard strap-on
(2) double ended dildo 18 and 14 inches
double ended 12 inch glass dildo
flexible double dildo
pink Brazilian style strap-on harness
vibrating strap-on
nylon butt plug & dildo harness
triple penetration strap on (2 on user 1 on reciever)
Vibrating toys
wireless remote vibrating bullet vibe
Vibrating Feeldoe
butterfly vibrator with wireless remote (small insertion)
remote control vibrating egg (wireless)
remote control vibrating butterfly (no insertion, wireless)
vibrating butt plug
twin vibrating bullets
micro clit vibrator
3 point insert vibrator
7speed vibe egg (wireless, water proof)
butterfly vibrating harness (insertion, waterproof)
Misc toys
phone vibrator (6 inch vibrator pulsates with phone convo)
Magic Wand
Pussy/clit (self pleasure)
smart balls
ben wa balls
metal egg (decent weight)
triple rabbit vibrator
pocket rocket
strap-on vibrating nylon harness
triple action butterfly(vibrates)
penis petal
ben wa balls on string
ice mold dildo maker
double ended U glass dildo
Erotic/Sexy/ costumes & outfits
-candy g-string and bra
-Simple green forest sprite dress
-Sexy cop Costume, small blue shorts and top, hat, boots and accessories
-Sexy army girl cameo shorts and small top, hat and boots
-Miss clause costume, red wired skirt, halter top, cap, all faux white fur trimmed, and white stocking
-Sexy black and red cheerleader costume
-adam & eve costume leafs with tan sowing string ties
-Nasty Nurse costume black/red lined Satin Halter Apron and Matching Nurse Cap, Wrist Cuffs and G-String.
-Black Gothic Nurse Costume with Headpiece and Hook and Eyelet Front Shirt, and Pleated Gartered Skirt, and red ruffled panties
-Nurse Lace and Teddy with Shirred Cups and a thong Back
-Blue and white plaid school girl costume, tie-front top, skirtini with attached g-string and matching stockings.
-french maid stretch spandex mini dress with built in petticoat,
-french maid Satin and lace peek-a-boo teddy with thong back, lace apron, headband and ribbon neck tie
-french maid corset lightly endowed with ruffled edge, matching garterbelt and stockings
-Schoolgirl pink Plaid micro min Skirt
-Red riding hood costume, red lace underwear and matching cloak
-simple short Tinkerbell costume
-Robin hood green lace up dress
-amazon girl 2 piece cloth costume
-red belly dancer costume
-prep school costume, dark blue jacket, and red plaid skirt
-Red, black lined Tear Drop Opening Halter Dress with Cross Tie Back.
-Baby blue Fishnet Plunging Neckline Halter Dress with Attached Microfiber Bottom.
-Black wicked fairy costume, Back-Lacing and Sheer Rhinestone Fairy Wings
-French Maid Costume with Lycra Top with Zipper Closure and Lace Trim, Lycra Skirt, Satin Apron with Lace Trim, Rigid Lace Crinoline, Matching Shelf Bra, Garter Belt, G-String, Head Piece, and Fishnet Stockings
-Solid black witch Costume Top, Skirt, G-String, Witch Hat, and Fishnet Stockings .
-Indiana Jane Costume, Tie Top, Jacket, Skirt, Belt, Rope, Dagger, Cross Strap, and Hat.
-Slave Princess Costume, Leather Underwired Bustier Gown with Lace Up Sides
-Greek Goddess Pleated Dress with Gold Criss Cross Ties.
-School Girl costume, Small halter white top and front back skirt red plaid Skirt (skirt has no sides, just cloth in front and back).
-Sexy Sailor, blue short dress, hat and Bow Trimmed Stockings.
uhg, this was not fun to write up.
Ok as per request of my blog master since he allowed to me to be vague with the toys due to the sheer volume of them, if anyone out there doesn't understand what the toy is or how it works, put a comment here and i'll go back and put in a description and send you the description.
also to save myself from people thinking im a freak lol (hey you do what you love) i know theres at least a couple grand worth a toys here, but know they were bought over a long period of time, and not all by me, many were gifts from other people(mainly as a inside serious joke) over the years, and some are even other peoples, that they just couldn't keep them at their house(or belong to other people that live here) the sybian would be a good example i am not paying that off all by myself, several girlfriends went in on that with me(very much worth the investment)
and lastly No i do not do porn, nor will I for any amount of money you will offer. (a written up story of the experience is all you get, sorry to disappoint)
Want to dare me? Simply leave a comment or email me with your dare, and as long as it doesn't go over my limits i will perform it.
Limits- Photo's, obvious public, mess, pain, and gross
(gross is subject to my interpretation)
~current dares
None; you should fix that ;)
- Much love xoxo
(4) panty pals
Vibrating thong
rubber ducky bath vibrator
ipod vibrator with garter belt(6 inch vibrators)
vibra phone
vibrating pen
Ibuzz music vibrator(twin bullets)
(3) key chain mini vibrators
lip stick vibrator
bunny vibrating harness, clitoral and 4inch insert and anal teaser
compact case wired mini bullet vibe
vibrating thong black lace
Animal tail butt plugs
-2 cat tails, one limp, another manipulable
-Fox tail
-white bunny tail
-pony tail plug
Funnel butt plug
inflatable butt plug
black silicone butt plugs
Red feather butt plug
Few pink Butt plugs
Various artistic pyrex butt plugs
heavy metal butt plug
foot long anal beads
(10) metal self adjust anal beads (pre-holed balls to make your own length anal beads)
Thai Jelly anal beads 11" long 10 balls, largest ball 1"
inflatable vibrating butt plug
anal ring toss(sex game)
jelly butt plug vibrator
pyrex glass butt plug
emerald anal jewelry butt plug
mini blue wireless multi-speed buttplug (waterproof)
red fur lined fuzzy cuffs
metal cuffs
Black name embroidered cat collar
Silk bondage rope
locking thigh-cuffs
adjustable spreader bar with cuffs
easy access restraint (wrist locked near ankles)
Nylon adjustable restraints
small Chastity g-belt
Sex candles red/white
connected nipple chain clamps (able to connect to clit, and a Collar)
x4 nipple clamps with hanging bells (x2 matching clit bell)
pair of nipple clamps with magnetic weights (x6 1 ounce each )
dangling heart nipple rings
x4 vibrating nipple clamps
standard strap-on
(2) double ended dildo 18 and 14 inches
double ended 12 inch glass dildo
flexible double dildo
pink Brazilian style strap-on harness
vibrating strap-on
nylon butt plug & dildo harness
triple penetration strap on (2 on user 1 on reciever)
Vibrating toys
wireless remote vibrating bullet vibe
Vibrating Feeldoe
butterfly vibrator with wireless remote (small insertion)
remote control vibrating egg (wireless)
remote control vibrating butterfly (no insertion, wireless)
vibrating butt plug
twin vibrating bullets
micro clit vibrator
3 point insert vibrator
7speed vibe egg (wireless, water proof)
butterfly vibrating harness (insertion, waterproof)
Misc toys
phone vibrator (6 inch vibrator pulsates with phone convo)
Magic Wand
Pussy/clit (self pleasure)
smart balls
ben wa balls
metal egg (decent weight)
triple rabbit vibrator
pocket rocket
strap-on vibrating nylon harness
triple action butterfly(vibrates)
penis petal
ben wa balls on string
ice mold dildo maker
double ended U glass dildo
Erotic/Sexy/ costumes & outfits
-candy g-string and bra
-Simple green forest sprite dress
-Sexy cop Costume, small blue shorts and top, hat, boots and accessories
-Sexy army girl cameo shorts and small top, hat and boots
-Miss clause costume, red wired skirt, halter top, cap, all faux white fur trimmed, and white stocking
-Sexy black and red cheerleader costume
-adam & eve costume leafs with tan sowing string ties
-Nasty Nurse costume black/red lined Satin Halter Apron and Matching Nurse Cap, Wrist Cuffs and G-String.
-Black Gothic Nurse Costume with Headpiece and Hook and Eyelet Front Shirt, and Pleated Gartered Skirt, and red ruffled panties
-Nurse Lace and Teddy with Shirred Cups and a thong Back
-Blue and white plaid school girl costume, tie-front top, skirtini with attached g-string and matching stockings.
-french maid stretch spandex mini dress with built in petticoat,
-french maid Satin and lace peek-a-boo teddy with thong back, lace apron, headband and ribbon neck tie
-french maid corset lightly endowed with ruffled edge, matching garterbelt and stockings
-Schoolgirl pink Plaid micro min Skirt
-Red riding hood costume, red lace underwear and matching cloak
-simple short Tinkerbell costume
-Robin hood green lace up dress
-amazon girl 2 piece cloth costume
-red belly dancer costume
-prep school costume, dark blue jacket, and red plaid skirt
-Red, black lined Tear Drop Opening Halter Dress with Cross Tie Back.
-Baby blue Fishnet Plunging Neckline Halter Dress with Attached Microfiber Bottom.
-Black wicked fairy costume, Back-Lacing and Sheer Rhinestone Fairy Wings
-French Maid Costume with Lycra Top with Zipper Closure and Lace Trim, Lycra Skirt, Satin Apron with Lace Trim, Rigid Lace Crinoline, Matching Shelf Bra, Garter Belt, G-String, Head Piece, and Fishnet Stockings
-Solid black witch Costume Top, Skirt, G-String, Witch Hat, and Fishnet Stockings .
-Indiana Jane Costume, Tie Top, Jacket, Skirt, Belt, Rope, Dagger, Cross Strap, and Hat.
-Slave Princess Costume, Leather Underwired Bustier Gown with Lace Up Sides
-Greek Goddess Pleated Dress with Gold Criss Cross Ties.
-School Girl costume, Small halter white top and front back skirt red plaid Skirt (skirt has no sides, just cloth in front and back).
-Sexy Sailor, blue short dress, hat and Bow Trimmed Stockings.
uhg, this was not fun to write up.
Ok as per request of my blog master since he allowed to me to be vague with the toys due to the sheer volume of them, if anyone out there doesn't understand what the toy is or how it works, put a comment here and i'll go back and put in a description and send you the description.
also to save myself from people thinking im a freak lol (hey you do what you love) i know theres at least a couple grand worth a toys here, but know they were bought over a long period of time, and not all by me, many were gifts from other people(mainly as a inside serious joke) over the years, and some are even other peoples, that they just couldn't keep them at their house(or belong to other people that live here) the sybian would be a good example i am not paying that off all by myself, several girlfriends went in on that with me(very much worth the investment)
and lastly No i do not do porn, nor will I for any amount of money you will offer. (a written up story of the experience is all you get, sorry to disappoint)
Want to dare me? Simply leave a comment or email me with your dare, and as long as it doesn't go over my limits i will perform it.
Limits- Photo's, obvious public, mess, pain, and gross
(gross is subject to my interpretation)
~current dares
None; you should fix that ;)
- Much love xoxo
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Day of Fun
So my boring work day turned out a lot more interesting then I thought it was gonna be. First off for those who don’t know, I work in a small little clothing store owned by a family friend(won’t go into much more detail then that)
The Saturday started off like a typical Saturday morning shift that I work by myself, opened up the store and yada yada, lounged around a bit and helped the very small amount of customers that come in the morning. After awhile I started getting bored and decided to hop on the registers computer and log onto Aim and talk with some friends, though the friends I ended up talking to weren’t the ones I originally had in mind, they did prove to keep me entertained none the less :).
The dares started out simple enough as I was talking to some of the T or D folks on AIM and MSN.
First one for the day I had to take off my black bra and switch from my shredded jeans to a black mini skirt from the store, and almost immediately after that another fellow told me to remove my underwear, and was also dared to flash both my top and bottom area to a customer when they were turned away (eeepp!!!) Though lucky for me, it hadn’t been a busy day. So a little bit goes by, me returning some dares to the others. Then a girl with her boyfriend walk in. I greet them say hello, ask if they need any help. The usual things I say to everyone that steps in the door. Then I walk out from behind the counter, and inconspicuously position myself behind them, check the door once to make sure no one is gonna walk in on me, I quickly lift up my top as their flipping through the pant rack and leave it up for a few seconds, exposing my slightly excited nipples to the cool air-conditioned air, then quickly turn away lowering my shirt before they move to the next rack. I position myself again behind them pretending to fold clothes and put other stuff in their proper place, as I know lifted up my skirt. At this point I was starting to get a bit excited and hot, I’ve never really flashed at anyone before, and the fact that I was doing it and they had no idea (though if they would of turned around I’d probably of died) was very exciting for me and I started to contemplate touching myself slightly, but resisted the urge and went back to the counter now completing the dare.
Not soon after this it was getting close to when my friend Nat would come in to join me with her shift. And since it was only Nat I didn’t have to stop what I was doing, in fact I was sort of dared to get her involved in today’s exploits, and for starters I was dared to sneak up behind her and pants her. Being as quiet as I could I snuck up behind her, where she was busy organizing some clothes. Slowly I reached up and yanked her pants down to her ankles, needless to say she was quite surprised and freaked out causing her to fall on the floor, giving me a decent look at her sexy undies, before I dashed back over to the register to save myself from potential revenge. Which didn’t go to well, pretty much immediately after I got back to the computer I was dared to grope her and hump her leg. So I snuck as quietly up to her as I could (as queitly as I could with her staring at me the whole time) and as I went to grab her, she got a hold of my shirt and pulled it right off me leaving me topless in the store exposing my nipples once again to the cool air, though it felt good and nice, I was still rather freaked if someone was to walk in, which led to me trying to get the shirt back from her. Which I managed when she threw it across the room.
I ran and got my shirt and headed back over to the computer followed by Nat this time who was starting to get rather curious as to what I was doing. She got to talking with the guy giving the dares and out came a new dare for the both of us...
A naked race around the store, both kind of us kind of iffy about it, but Nat was up for it none the less, so I didn’t have much choice in the matter. I checked outside to see how busy foot traffic was, and when it looked like we got a lull, we stripped off our clothes and, it was Ready, Set, GO! With us both running full circle around the store in our birthday suites. The race ended with us almost knocking over every display in the store and laughing hysterically. All in all though Nat won, giving her control over me for little while. Though it wasn’t horribly bad, she only made me keep bottomless for the time she had control. Little awkward standing behind the counter greeting a couple of customers that way, but it was still pretty fun. Whenever someone came in, I’d wiggle my rear end around just to be stupid. When Nat’s control over me ended she finished it with a good smack on the butt. My work shift almost ending, it was about time to go home, not before one last dare for the both of us though, which was simply Nat lifting up her shirt and letting me suck on her nipples for half a minute in the store, which I completed to the fullest extent giving both of them good attention (even making her moan slightly :-o hehe)
After that it was time for me to go and complete a couple of dares given to me earlier for when I left work. I changed back into my jeans and headed to my car, when I got to my car I opened my door and looked around. When I was satisfied noone could see me, I stripped off my jeans and got in for my drive home bottomless. Driving home the temptation to play with myself was almost overwhelming, I knew and could tell I was getting wett. All I could really do to keep my hand for migrating down south was to keep it up my shirt busy with something else fun. Though it did make it slightly worse, it at least kept my hand away from between my legs for most of the car ride.
Getting home, it looked like the day wasn’t going to be over yet, logging on to Aim, and talking with the guy from earlier. I was dared to run around my house naked, though a lot of privacy around my house the front is still pretty open in parts. I did my backyard first since it was simple enough, when I got to the front I took it a bit slower weaving between the cars in my driveway eventually making it back to the start. A bit extremely horny now at this point, he was kind of enough to let me fulfill my desire, taking my “Penis Petal” sex toy I went out still naked to my front side yard, guarded by some high bushes and a wall. I cranked the toy all the way, the vibration from it was intense, almost making me scream, but I bit my lip and gripped the wall, only letting gasps and low moans out as my body quivered in pleasure. It wasn’t long before my whole body gave out in a very intense orgasm sending me moaning to my knees shaking. Getting back up breathing heavily I turned the toy off and checked around to make sure I didn’t draw any un-wanted attention during the whole thing. Lucky enough for me, no one noticed and I headed back in side, grinning from ear to ear, from my day of fun. :)
Want to dare me? Simply leave a comment or email me with your dare, and as long as it doesn't go over my limits i will perform it.
Limits- Photo's, obvious public, mess, pain, and gross
(gross is subject to my interpretation)
~current dares
None; you should fix that ;)
- Much love xoxo
The Saturday started off like a typical Saturday morning shift that I work by myself, opened up the store and yada yada, lounged around a bit and helped the very small amount of customers that come in the morning. After awhile I started getting bored and decided to hop on the registers computer and log onto Aim and talk with some friends, though the friends I ended up talking to weren’t the ones I originally had in mind, they did prove to keep me entertained none the less :).
The dares started out simple enough as I was talking to some of the T or D folks on AIM and MSN.
First one for the day I had to take off my black bra and switch from my shredded jeans to a black mini skirt from the store, and almost immediately after that another fellow told me to remove my underwear, and was also dared to flash both my top and bottom area to a customer when they were turned away (eeepp!!!) Though lucky for me, it hadn’t been a busy day. So a little bit goes by, me returning some dares to the others. Then a girl with her boyfriend walk in. I greet them say hello, ask if they need any help. The usual things I say to everyone that steps in the door. Then I walk out from behind the counter, and inconspicuously position myself behind them, check the door once to make sure no one is gonna walk in on me, I quickly lift up my top as their flipping through the pant rack and leave it up for a few seconds, exposing my slightly excited nipples to the cool air-conditioned air, then quickly turn away lowering my shirt before they move to the next rack. I position myself again behind them pretending to fold clothes and put other stuff in their proper place, as I know lifted up my skirt. At this point I was starting to get a bit excited and hot, I’ve never really flashed at anyone before, and the fact that I was doing it and they had no idea (though if they would of turned around I’d probably of died) was very exciting for me and I started to contemplate touching myself slightly, but resisted the urge and went back to the counter now completing the dare.
Not soon after this it was getting close to when my friend Nat would come in to join me with her shift. And since it was only Nat I didn’t have to stop what I was doing, in fact I was sort of dared to get her involved in today’s exploits, and for starters I was dared to sneak up behind her and pants her. Being as quiet as I could I snuck up behind her, where she was busy organizing some clothes. Slowly I reached up and yanked her pants down to her ankles, needless to say she was quite surprised and freaked out causing her to fall on the floor, giving me a decent look at her sexy undies, before I dashed back over to the register to save myself from potential revenge. Which didn’t go to well, pretty much immediately after I got back to the computer I was dared to grope her and hump her leg. So I snuck as quietly up to her as I could (as queitly as I could with her staring at me the whole time) and as I went to grab her, she got a hold of my shirt and pulled it right off me leaving me topless in the store exposing my nipples once again to the cool air, though it felt good and nice, I was still rather freaked if someone was to walk in, which led to me trying to get the shirt back from her. Which I managed when she threw it across the room.
I ran and got my shirt and headed back over to the computer followed by Nat this time who was starting to get rather curious as to what I was doing. She got to talking with the guy giving the dares and out came a new dare for the both of us...
A naked race around the store, both kind of us kind of iffy about it, but Nat was up for it none the less, so I didn’t have much choice in the matter. I checked outside to see how busy foot traffic was, and when it looked like we got a lull, we stripped off our clothes and, it was Ready, Set, GO! With us both running full circle around the store in our birthday suites. The race ended with us almost knocking over every display in the store and laughing hysterically. All in all though Nat won, giving her control over me for little while. Though it wasn’t horribly bad, she only made me keep bottomless for the time she had control. Little awkward standing behind the counter greeting a couple of customers that way, but it was still pretty fun. Whenever someone came in, I’d wiggle my rear end around just to be stupid. When Nat’s control over me ended she finished it with a good smack on the butt. My work shift almost ending, it was about time to go home, not before one last dare for the both of us though, which was simply Nat lifting up her shirt and letting me suck on her nipples for half a minute in the store, which I completed to the fullest extent giving both of them good attention (even making her moan slightly :-o hehe)
After that it was time for me to go and complete a couple of dares given to me earlier for when I left work. I changed back into my jeans and headed to my car, when I got to my car I opened my door and looked around. When I was satisfied noone could see me, I stripped off my jeans and got in for my drive home bottomless. Driving home the temptation to play with myself was almost overwhelming, I knew and could tell I was getting wett. All I could really do to keep my hand for migrating down south was to keep it up my shirt busy with something else fun. Though it did make it slightly worse, it at least kept my hand away from between my legs for most of the car ride.
Getting home, it looked like the day wasn’t going to be over yet, logging on to Aim, and talking with the guy from earlier. I was dared to run around my house naked, though a lot of privacy around my house the front is still pretty open in parts. I did my backyard first since it was simple enough, when I got to the front I took it a bit slower weaving between the cars in my driveway eventually making it back to the start. A bit extremely horny now at this point, he was kind of enough to let me fulfill my desire, taking my “Penis Petal” sex toy I went out still naked to my front side yard, guarded by some high bushes and a wall. I cranked the toy all the way, the vibration from it was intense, almost making me scream, but I bit my lip and gripped the wall, only letting gasps and low moans out as my body quivered in pleasure. It wasn’t long before my whole body gave out in a very intense orgasm sending me moaning to my knees shaking. Getting back up breathing heavily I turned the toy off and checked around to make sure I didn’t draw any un-wanted attention during the whole thing. Lucky enough for me, no one noticed and I headed back in side, grinning from ear to ear, from my day of fun. :)
Want to dare me? Simply leave a comment or email me with your dare, and as long as it doesn't go over my limits i will perform it.
Limits- Photo's, obvious public, mess, pain, and gross
(gross is subject to my interpretation)
~current dares
None; you should fix that ;)
- Much love xoxo
Friday, June 6, 2008
Strip Tennis
The Dare: find a tennis court that nobody is using with lighting.
now play a game of tennis. each time someone loses they must take something off and the winner can keep the losers clothes until they decide to give them back
Alrighty so I was dared to do this with a friend to get into the summer mood. I tried talking my gf into it, but she wouldn’t go for it (like usual) though she offered to be score keeper, so I called up Nat who is always down for anything. Now none of us have ever really played tennis, so we had to do a bit of research on how to play, and severely simplified the rules I think. Basically, if you miss a return or if you screw up on the serve, the person gets the point, each game is worth 4 points, and each game loser loses a piece of clothing.
So we got the rules down, and we found someone with tennis racquets and balls we were able to borrow, so when it got close to midnight, all three of us headed over to the tennis courts at the highschool. Where we knew they kept the lights on throughout the school at night. We got their and snuck through the gate to a court relatively in the middle of them all.
We started off with a few warm-ups, to kind of get used to the whole thing. (Tennis is a hard sport) but once we each were able to hit back a serve, we started playing for real. The first couple of games went by rather quick stripping us both of our shoes and socks. After that we both started getting more into it. Some better rallies going back and forth, but that game went to her all and all, so I stripped off my panties under my white pleated skirt. The games starting to get more interesting we were all giggling and trying to keep our voices down. It was her serve since she won last game, she was having trouble keeping from giggling and she served the ball straight at me, I freaked out and turned away letting the ball smack me on the butt. Though I’m sure that must of been a foul, my gf still called the point hers. Giving my gf a dirty look, I turned back to Nat who was serving again, and right as she was serving it I lifted up my skirt and flashed her causing her to laugh and hit the ball well out of the court giving me the point. I tried using the same strategy again a couple of times. It worked in a sense as she tried pegging me with the ball again, missed and gave me the point to win that game, leaving her in only her black bra and jeans.
Soon it wasn’t long till it was the last game and we were both down to a single piece of clothing each, she in her black thong, me in my skirt. I started first and served the ball, and we got probably one of our best games going in our last match. And by the end of it I came out the winner. (Woohoo) Making me owner of her clothes for the night.
Neither my gf nor I wanting the night to end early (Nat on the other hand could of let it end) We decided to go to Wendy’s and get a Frosty. When we got their we dumped Nat off in the bushes, as she didn’t want to risk getting seen by the clerk in the drive-thru. We then got our food, and drove off to the center of the shopping center and parked, making Nat run all the way to us. (Evil grin) She caught up to us and tried to climb in the car, only to find out we locked it (Evil grin again). Forcing her to eat the cold treat outside with us in the cold air, giving us a bit more entertainment for the night. After we finished eating, we gave into Nat’s pleas and went to my house to “finish” up the night.
Want to dare me? Simply leave a comment or email me with your dare, and as long as it doesn't go over my limits i will perform it.
Limits- Photo's, obvious public, mess, pain, and gross
(gross is subject to my interpretation)
~to come/current/completed dares from the past week
None; you should fix that ;)
- Much love xoxo
now play a game of tennis. each time someone loses they must take something off and the winner can keep the losers clothes until they decide to give them back
Alrighty so I was dared to do this with a friend to get into the summer mood. I tried talking my gf into it, but she wouldn’t go for it (like usual) though she offered to be score keeper, so I called up Nat who is always down for anything. Now none of us have ever really played tennis, so we had to do a bit of research on how to play, and severely simplified the rules I think. Basically, if you miss a return or if you screw up on the serve, the person gets the point, each game is worth 4 points, and each game loser loses a piece of clothing.
So we got the rules down, and we found someone with tennis racquets and balls we were able to borrow, so when it got close to midnight, all three of us headed over to the tennis courts at the highschool. Where we knew they kept the lights on throughout the school at night. We got their and snuck through the gate to a court relatively in the middle of them all.
We started off with a few warm-ups, to kind of get used to the whole thing. (Tennis is a hard sport) but once we each were able to hit back a serve, we started playing for real. The first couple of games went by rather quick stripping us both of our shoes and socks. After that we both started getting more into it. Some better rallies going back and forth, but that game went to her all and all, so I stripped off my panties under my white pleated skirt. The games starting to get more interesting we were all giggling and trying to keep our voices down. It was her serve since she won last game, she was having trouble keeping from giggling and she served the ball straight at me, I freaked out and turned away letting the ball smack me on the butt. Though I’m sure that must of been a foul, my gf still called the point hers. Giving my gf a dirty look, I turned back to Nat who was serving again, and right as she was serving it I lifted up my skirt and flashed her causing her to laugh and hit the ball well out of the court giving me the point. I tried using the same strategy again a couple of times. It worked in a sense as she tried pegging me with the ball again, missed and gave me the point to win that game, leaving her in only her black bra and jeans.
Soon it wasn’t long till it was the last game and we were both down to a single piece of clothing each, she in her black thong, me in my skirt. I started first and served the ball, and we got probably one of our best games going in our last match. And by the end of it I came out the winner. (Woohoo) Making me owner of her clothes for the night.
Neither my gf nor I wanting the night to end early (Nat on the other hand could of let it end) We decided to go to Wendy’s and get a Frosty. When we got their we dumped Nat off in the bushes, as she didn’t want to risk getting seen by the clerk in the drive-thru. We then got our food, and drove off to the center of the shopping center and parked, making Nat run all the way to us. (Evil grin) She caught up to us and tried to climb in the car, only to find out we locked it (Evil grin again). Forcing her to eat the cold treat outside with us in the cold air, giving us a bit more entertainment for the night. After we finished eating, we gave into Nat’s pleas and went to my house to “finish” up the night.
Want to dare me? Simply leave a comment or email me with your dare, and as long as it doesn't go over my limits i will perform it.
Limits- Photo's, obvious public, mess, pain, and gross
(gross is subject to my interpretation)
~to come/current/completed dares from the past week
None; you should fix that ;)
- Much love xoxo
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Catching up
lol, haven't been updating this in awhile. just been busy with life and school.
But anyway, i've finished with all my pending dares, and school! yippeee
Alright now to get caught up on the dares i've done
No underwear/ must wear short skirts for month
alright i'm sure alot of people thought this would be more interesting then it actually ended up being. Nothing really interesting happened, per say. all though it was a unique experience in its self, not one i look forward to doing again soon though. Performing this dare i was a bit self conscious about it, which made me uneasy part of the time, but after the first weekish i really got used to it, and it never really bothered me. and now that it's over i must say i really have been enjoying underwear again ;)
Ben Wa balls for the day
unfortunately i didn't write this up when i completed it awhile ago so i don't remember all the details too well, so i'm gonna perform this dare again down the road
But anyway, i've finished with all my pending dares, and school! yippeee
Alright now to get caught up on the dares i've done
No underwear/ must wear short skirts for month
alright i'm sure alot of people thought this would be more interesting then it actually ended up being. Nothing really interesting happened, per say. all though it was a unique experience in its self, not one i look forward to doing again soon though. Performing this dare i was a bit self conscious about it, which made me uneasy part of the time, but after the first weekish i really got used to it, and it never really bothered me. and now that it's over i must say i really have been enjoying underwear again ;)
Ben Wa balls for the day
unfortunately i didn't write this up when i completed it awhile ago so i don't remember all the details too well, so i'm gonna perform this dare again down the road
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Shrinking Dress
The Dare- The dare is for two girls of roughly the same size (to be fair, you don\'t have to be). You must by a dress you both like and take turns wearing it. after each time wearing it, you must shorten it an inch (or any other prearranged measurement). you of course cannot wear panties and the first one to chicken out will loose the predetermined bet.
So I couldn’t talk my gf into doing this, this time, even though she owes me one from awhile back. So I got an old friend Nat who is just as, if not crazier than me, and relatively the same height except besides and inch or so. My gf still wanted to come along though, but since she wasn’t going to participate we told her no :p . So Nat and I went to the local goodwill store to find a cheap plain dress to use for this. We got their and found this cheap half knee length green spaghetti strap tube dress, pretty ugly I gotta say, but it was gonna be cut to pieces soon anyway so we didn’t care. We bought the dress and played a rock paper scissor game to decide who got to wear it first. I lost so I had to wear it first, so when we got to my car, she drove and I changed in the back. First thing we did since it was still slightly early was go grab some breakfast at a local restaurant. We hung out their for awhile eating waffles, and before we left we headed to the restroom were I cut off an inch of the dress and handed it to her to wear. After we switched clothes we headed out, getting a strange look from our waitress. Probably from noticing we switched clothes. After the restaurant nothing too much interesting happened for the next number of hours. Just switching clothes every hour with the dress getting periodically shorter every hour. At about the 5 hour mark in our adventure, it was my turn once again to wear the dress and before we left the car to head to the shops I did a quick check to see how much I could move around and now it was starting to get dangerously short, not leaving much room to bend over with out revealing more than I would feel comfortable.
As we headed around the shops I was starting to feel really self conscious about wearing the dress, I was starting to get more looks and actually a few whistles, and I found myself constantly un-consciously pulling at the dress. When my hour was up, I was completely relieved and couldn’t pull that thing off fast enough when we found a place to trade clothes once again. As Nat put it on I was fully convinced she was gonna throw in the towel, the dress for her now reached the bottom of her butt, giving almost anyone a cheap look at the bottom of her butt. But my hopes were dashed, as she was checking herself out contemplating her situation, she looked at me and gave a proud smile and walked stiffly outside. I thought about letting her off easy knowing I wasn’t going to win this, their was no way I could wear it shorter than what she had, but than I figured even if I did let her off easy, there was no way she was gonna go easy on me as her reward for winning this game. So I decided to have some fun with her, and since she was the one wearing the dress, I got to pick where we went. So as we walked around everywhere every 10 minutes or so, I would take a break finding some place to sit and rest leaving her to awkwardly stand, giving people passing by a steadier look at her behind. I could tell she was dying inside from all the attention, and I was starting to feel bad for her. I know I’m too nice, but what can I do. That and there was only a few minutes left anyway so I lead her back to the car, every so often dropping my purse on the ground, and trying to get her to pick it up, hehe. But she never did. When we got to the car, there was no one around so she just opened the car doors and took off the dress and held it in her hands looking at me, which I shook my head, which she thought I would. And with her victory we headed back to her house to relax for the rest of the day, and where she pondered what her prize would be for winning, which she still has yet to decide on....which kind of scares me, eep.
More recent but still old dare, performed back in February of '08.
-Want to dare me? Simply leave a comment or email me with your dare, and as long as it doesn't go over my limits i will perform it.
Limits- Photo's, obvious public, mess, pain, and gross
(gross is subject to my interpretation)
~to come/current/completed dares from the past week
1) (Current)No underwear for a month (to be finished on may1st)
2) (Current)For the time i'm not allowed to wear underwear i must wear short skirts and thin tops (to be finished on may 1st)
3) (Completed) Keep ben wa balls inserted all day
So I couldn’t talk my gf into doing this, this time, even though she owes me one from awhile back. So I got an old friend Nat who is just as, if not crazier than me, and relatively the same height except besides and inch or so. My gf still wanted to come along though, but since she wasn’t going to participate we told her no :p . So Nat and I went to the local goodwill store to find a cheap plain dress to use for this. We got their and found this cheap half knee length green spaghetti strap tube dress, pretty ugly I gotta say, but it was gonna be cut to pieces soon anyway so we didn’t care. We bought the dress and played a rock paper scissor game to decide who got to wear it first. I lost so I had to wear it first, so when we got to my car, she drove and I changed in the back. First thing we did since it was still slightly early was go grab some breakfast at a local restaurant. We hung out their for awhile eating waffles, and before we left we headed to the restroom were I cut off an inch of the dress and handed it to her to wear. After we switched clothes we headed out, getting a strange look from our waitress. Probably from noticing we switched clothes. After the restaurant nothing too much interesting happened for the next number of hours. Just switching clothes every hour with the dress getting periodically shorter every hour. At about the 5 hour mark in our adventure, it was my turn once again to wear the dress and before we left the car to head to the shops I did a quick check to see how much I could move around and now it was starting to get dangerously short, not leaving much room to bend over with out revealing more than I would feel comfortable.
As we headed around the shops I was starting to feel really self conscious about wearing the dress, I was starting to get more looks and actually a few whistles, and I found myself constantly un-consciously pulling at the dress. When my hour was up, I was completely relieved and couldn’t pull that thing off fast enough when we found a place to trade clothes once again. As Nat put it on I was fully convinced she was gonna throw in the towel, the dress for her now reached the bottom of her butt, giving almost anyone a cheap look at the bottom of her butt. But my hopes were dashed, as she was checking herself out contemplating her situation, she looked at me and gave a proud smile and walked stiffly outside. I thought about letting her off easy knowing I wasn’t going to win this, their was no way I could wear it shorter than what she had, but than I figured even if I did let her off easy, there was no way she was gonna go easy on me as her reward for winning this game. So I decided to have some fun with her, and since she was the one wearing the dress, I got to pick where we went. So as we walked around everywhere every 10 minutes or so, I would take a break finding some place to sit and rest leaving her to awkwardly stand, giving people passing by a steadier look at her behind. I could tell she was dying inside from all the attention, and I was starting to feel bad for her. I know I’m too nice, but what can I do. That and there was only a few minutes left anyway so I lead her back to the car, every so often dropping my purse on the ground, and trying to get her to pick it up, hehe. But she never did. When we got to the car, there was no one around so she just opened the car doors and took off the dress and held it in her hands looking at me, which I shook my head, which she thought I would. And with her victory we headed back to her house to relax for the rest of the day, and where she pondered what her prize would be for winning, which she still has yet to decide on....which kind of scares me, eep.
More recent but still old dare, performed back in February of '08.
-Want to dare me? Simply leave a comment or email me with your dare, and as long as it doesn't go over my limits i will perform it.
Limits- Photo's, obvious public, mess, pain, and gross
(gross is subject to my interpretation)
~to come/current/completed dares from the past week
1) (Current)No underwear for a month (to be finished on may1st)
2) (Current)For the time i'm not allowed to wear underwear i must wear short skirts and thin tops (to be finished on may 1st)
3) (Completed) Keep ben wa balls inserted all day
Naked employee
The Dare- Fellow employee was to hide clothes in our store, and i was to "track" down each article of clothing with out being caught. Further explained in the story.
While working one day I was browsing a (truth or dare site) with a friend who I work with(im just gonna call her Nat for privacy sake), we were reading peoples experiences and talking about them to just pass the time. (It had been a slow day). And as we passed through the stories we got to the naked shopping story and we started to laugh at how funny it would be if someone did that in our store, around this point she looked over to me, and around the store and dared me to do it. I was immediately against it, since if the other girl we work with saw she’d probably get me fired, she agreed and we dropped it for awhile. Well about an hour later when that girls shift ended and another friend came in to take over(Cass), she started up again with the dare, so now I had both of them egging me on to do it. (Keep in mind I have done stuff with them before, so this isn’t completely new). I finally agreed to it on the condition we wait for the current customers to leave, they agreed and once they were gone I headed over to the changing rooms with both of them, shaking my head the whole way for agreeing to this. The deal was that they were gonna hide each piece of clothing throughout the store and I would have to find each, I went in the changing room stripped naked and slid my clothes under the door to them, now they weren’t going to tell me when it was ok to come out, that was something I had to decide on for myself, so I sat there for a few minutes naked staring at myself in the mirror in the changing room, and giving them good time to hide my clothes.
When I figured enough time had passed, and it wasn’t going to get any easier just sitting their, I stood up on the seat in the changing room and peaked over to see if there were any customers in view. There weren’t any in the store lucky for me, all I saw were my two friends sitting at the registers smiling at me as I peaked over the door. So with the assurance no one was in the store I walked out of the changing room, still keeping low of course. And started looking in the clothing racks for my hidden clothes. Not even a minute must of went by, before I heard the bell to the door ring, and my friends greet the customer which sounded like a young girl. I stood up slightly poking my head over the rack to watch where she walked too, and since I was in the women’s section, just happened to be towards me. I quickly darted around the clothing racks weaving all around them, making sure to keep her in sight. So she wouldn’t accidently walk up behind me, and luckily all that darting around to avoid her let me discover my bra, un-luckily it was on the ground by the wall, the wall the customer was currently browsing by. Giving up on that piece of clothing, I backed away and headed over to the mens section feeling I wouldn’t have as great a chance of her running into me. As I headed over there though, the door opened again, and this time it wasn’t just one person. I could hear a large group of people coming in.
At this point I was freaked, one person was nerve racking enough to avoid, but now I had a large group to avoid, with my luck I should of figured we would get a rush the moment I stepped out of the changing room. I couldn’t head back over to the changing rooms, they were off limits moment I stepped out. Only safe place I could think of was behind the register. So I quickly scurried over to there, and hid under the counter, curled up in the cubby. Only Nat noticed me down there, and had trouble keeping from collapsing with laughter when she first noticed, Cass never noticed though, I could tell she was too busy with the customers to even look down and see me whenever she rang someone up. I must of been stuck there for at least 30 minutes, and the whole time my heart was pounding, I was so nervous and very excited at the same time. I couldn’t for the life of me get rid of the big grin that appeared on my face every time they rung someone up. Just knowing they were mere feet from me, and had no idea I was there. was enough to get my blood moving. I had thought about taking a risk and moving out to one of the clothing racks and hiding in one of those, but decided against it since it was probably too risky. Finally the rush ended and my friends came back and I rolled out of the cubby surprising Cass who had been wondering where I was and worrying (she so sweet). We had a good laugh there then I headed over to where I saw my bra earlier. Rushing over there as fast as I could keeping low, I got there and started freaking out. It wasn’t there anymore. My first thought was some one saw and took it thinking it was funny that someone would lose such a thing. I called my friends over, freaking out that maybe they found my other clothes too. They came over and led me on for a bit, before they finally told me, that yea someone did find my bra, but they were helping her when she found it so they just took it, and re-hid it. I was a little peeved that the only piece of clothing I had found was now missing again, but I didn’t have time to worry as 2 boys came in. I jumped and hid in the nearest clothing rack. I was still in the women’s section. So I figured I was safe and with some luck finally on my side, my bra was in there too. I put it on and sat down waiting for the kids to leave, which didn’t take too long. So I popped back out and went back to searching for the rest of my clothing, and with no more interruptions I was able to find the rest of my clothing relatively fast and get back to not having to hide.
Later that night when I met up with some of my friends they all had a big laugh as the 2 I worked with recalled, the interesting work day we had. I’m actually curious to try this at a store I don’t work at now. I’m sure it would be much more exciting.
~~another old dare, I performed back in September of '07,
-Want to dare me? Simply leave a comment or email me with your dare, and as long as it doesn't go over my limits i will perform it.
Limits- Photo's, obvious public, mess, pain, and gross
(gross is subject to my interpretation)
~to come/current/completed dares from the past week
1) (Current)No underwear for a month (to be finished on may1st)
2) (Current)For the time i'm not allowed to wear underwear i must wear short skirts and thin tops (to be finished on may 1st)
3) (Completed) Keep ben wa balls inserted all day
While working one day I was browsing a (truth or dare site) with a friend who I work with(im just gonna call her Nat for privacy sake), we were reading peoples experiences and talking about them to just pass the time. (It had been a slow day). And as we passed through the stories we got to the naked shopping story and we started to laugh at how funny it would be if someone did that in our store, around this point she looked over to me, and around the store and dared me to do it. I was immediately against it, since if the other girl we work with saw she’d probably get me fired, she agreed and we dropped it for awhile. Well about an hour later when that girls shift ended and another friend came in to take over(Cass), she started up again with the dare, so now I had both of them egging me on to do it. (Keep in mind I have done stuff with them before, so this isn’t completely new). I finally agreed to it on the condition we wait for the current customers to leave, they agreed and once they were gone I headed over to the changing rooms with both of them, shaking my head the whole way for agreeing to this. The deal was that they were gonna hide each piece of clothing throughout the store and I would have to find each, I went in the changing room stripped naked and slid my clothes under the door to them, now they weren’t going to tell me when it was ok to come out, that was something I had to decide on for myself, so I sat there for a few minutes naked staring at myself in the mirror in the changing room, and giving them good time to hide my clothes.
When I figured enough time had passed, and it wasn’t going to get any easier just sitting their, I stood up on the seat in the changing room and peaked over to see if there were any customers in view. There weren’t any in the store lucky for me, all I saw were my two friends sitting at the registers smiling at me as I peaked over the door. So with the assurance no one was in the store I walked out of the changing room, still keeping low of course. And started looking in the clothing racks for my hidden clothes. Not even a minute must of went by, before I heard the bell to the door ring, and my friends greet the customer which sounded like a young girl. I stood up slightly poking my head over the rack to watch where she walked too, and since I was in the women’s section, just happened to be towards me. I quickly darted around the clothing racks weaving all around them, making sure to keep her in sight. So she wouldn’t accidently walk up behind me, and luckily all that darting around to avoid her let me discover my bra, un-luckily it was on the ground by the wall, the wall the customer was currently browsing by. Giving up on that piece of clothing, I backed away and headed over to the mens section feeling I wouldn’t have as great a chance of her running into me. As I headed over there though, the door opened again, and this time it wasn’t just one person. I could hear a large group of people coming in.
At this point I was freaked, one person was nerve racking enough to avoid, but now I had a large group to avoid, with my luck I should of figured we would get a rush the moment I stepped out of the changing room. I couldn’t head back over to the changing rooms, they were off limits moment I stepped out. Only safe place I could think of was behind the register. So I quickly scurried over to there, and hid under the counter, curled up in the cubby. Only Nat noticed me down there, and had trouble keeping from collapsing with laughter when she first noticed, Cass never noticed though, I could tell she was too busy with the customers to even look down and see me whenever she rang someone up. I must of been stuck there for at least 30 minutes, and the whole time my heart was pounding, I was so nervous and very excited at the same time. I couldn’t for the life of me get rid of the big grin that appeared on my face every time they rung someone up. Just knowing they were mere feet from me, and had no idea I was there. was enough to get my blood moving. I had thought about taking a risk and moving out to one of the clothing racks and hiding in one of those, but decided against it since it was probably too risky. Finally the rush ended and my friends came back and I rolled out of the cubby surprising Cass who had been wondering where I was and worrying (she so sweet). We had a good laugh there then I headed over to where I saw my bra earlier. Rushing over there as fast as I could keeping low, I got there and started freaking out. It wasn’t there anymore. My first thought was some one saw and took it thinking it was funny that someone would lose such a thing. I called my friends over, freaking out that maybe they found my other clothes too. They came over and led me on for a bit, before they finally told me, that yea someone did find my bra, but they were helping her when she found it so they just took it, and re-hid it. I was a little peeved that the only piece of clothing I had found was now missing again, but I didn’t have time to worry as 2 boys came in. I jumped and hid in the nearest clothing rack. I was still in the women’s section. So I figured I was safe and with some luck finally on my side, my bra was in there too. I put it on and sat down waiting for the kids to leave, which didn’t take too long. So I popped back out and went back to searching for the rest of my clothing, and with no more interruptions I was able to find the rest of my clothing relatively fast and get back to not having to hide.
Later that night when I met up with some of my friends they all had a big laugh as the 2 I worked with recalled, the interesting work day we had. I’m actually curious to try this at a store I don’t work at now. I’m sure it would be much more exciting.
~~another old dare, I performed back in September of '07,
-Want to dare me? Simply leave a comment or email me with your dare, and as long as it doesn't go over my limits i will perform it.
Limits- Photo's, obvious public, mess, pain, and gross
(gross is subject to my interpretation)
~to come/current/completed dares from the past week
1) (Current)No underwear for a month (to be finished on may1st)
2) (Current)For the time i'm not allowed to wear underwear i must wear short skirts and thin tops (to be finished on may 1st)
3) (Completed) Keep ben wa balls inserted all day
The Dare- Have someone or a stranger set an alarm to anything they want. When the alarm goes off you need to do a predetermined task. The task can be anything: undo a button, take off a piece of clothing, strip naked in the room you were in when it went off, masturbate for a min, whatever you want, just the more challenging, the more points you get. After the alarm goes off, you must have someone set a new time (stranger or same person). Do this for a day, or just for an hour or so. You can also say that every 10 min (you can do 5 or 20 or whatever) instead of reseting your alarm every time.
I did this dare with my Gf at increments of 7 minutes, lol don’t ask why, she was the one timing me, she thought of it.
To prepare for this dare I wore the most clothes as sensibly possible. Button up flannel short sleeve top, jean pants with belt, a cap, and socks, shoes, underwear (I think those are a given though lol).
We decided to start off this dare at the mall and since she was driving, to just mess with me she decided to park at the very back end of the parking lot. So we parked and she immediately went to start timing me. Before we even got to the entrance I was already forced to take off something. To start I took off my cap and tucked it into the back of my pants. Walking around another 7 minutes and I un-did the bottom button of my shirt, and every 7 minutes after that I worked my way up my shirt. As I started getting close to my chest I started getting a little nervous, and I didn’t want to be walking around the mall with my entire shirt undone, I was already getting more attention than I wanted. So as we were getting close to my next time to remove something I walked into a changing room in the nearest clothing store and took off my pants then underwear and put my pants back on and handed my underwear and the cap to my Gf to put in her bag. Running out of time before I’d soon be naked. I decided and my girlfriend agreed that it would be best if we started heading out. By the time we had gotten to the doors I was running out of ways to procrastinate in taking off my last remaining button on my shirt. The only other things I had left were the button on my pants, the zipper was already down, and my shoes.
Almost immediately after we got outside she signaled to me that it was time again. So I had to make a quick decision. The button on my pants or my shirt.
Looking back I guess I could of taken off my shoes, but oh well.
Since we were outside, I figured some undone pants would be less noticeable than an un-buttoned shirt waving around. So I went with the pants, un-doing the button the moment a family walked by me. As we made our way through the parking lot my Gf decided to toy with me some more. As I didn’t pay attention to where we parked, she thought it would be funny to act like she forgot where we parked as well. So wandering through the parking lot she signaled again that it was time again, so I un-did my last shirt button and proceeded to hold my shirt closed. Which my girlfriend proceeded to tell me to my dismay, that what was the sense of unbuttoning the shirt if I could just hold it shut. Responding that no one said I couldn’t, she threatened that she may have “difficulty” finding the car quickly if I insisted on “cheating” as she put it. I gave her a dirty look and let my hands down, letting the wind do what it wished with my shirt, just good for me that no one was in this particular area of the parking lot. Making our way through the parked cars she than stopped me again, and signaled to me that I needed to hand over another piece of clothing. Thinking of what I had left, and what would be obvious if people saw me from a distance. I decided to take off my bra to at least leave me with a shirt that would give me more cover. A little bit after that we finally arrived at our car, only thing was she wasn’t going to let me in right away. We both stayed outside the car with her staring at her phone. I knew what she was doing she was waiting for my next time to be up, which in response to her doing this I told her I hated her and that I was definitely making her do a dare with me next time. Surprising for me she actually agreed, but not before telling me to take off another piece of clothing. I took off my pants and she unlocked the car and I got in the back seat and we drove away. We had originally planned on going someone where after the mall, but since I was already naked by the time we drove out of the parking lot. We decided to just head home.
All in all it was an interesting experience, it probably could of gone better, but me being too shy in sight of strangers really limited me.
~~another old dare, I performed back in November of '07,
-Want to dare me? Simply leave a comment or email me with your dare, and as long as it doesn't go over my limits i will perform it.
Limits- Photo's, obvious public, mess, pain, and gross
(gross is subject to my interpretation)
~to come/current/completed dares from the past week
1) (Current)No underwear for a month (to be finished on may1st)
2) (Current)For the time i'm not allowed to wear underwear i must wear short skirts and thin tops (to be finished on may 1st)
3) (Completed) Keep ben wa balls inserted all day
I did this dare with my Gf at increments of 7 minutes, lol don’t ask why, she was the one timing me, she thought of it.
To prepare for this dare I wore the most clothes as sensibly possible. Button up flannel short sleeve top, jean pants with belt, a cap, and socks, shoes, underwear (I think those are a given though lol).
We decided to start off this dare at the mall and since she was driving, to just mess with me she decided to park at the very back end of the parking lot. So we parked and she immediately went to start timing me. Before we even got to the entrance I was already forced to take off something. To start I took off my cap and tucked it into the back of my pants. Walking around another 7 minutes and I un-did the bottom button of my shirt, and every 7 minutes after that I worked my way up my shirt. As I started getting close to my chest I started getting a little nervous, and I didn’t want to be walking around the mall with my entire shirt undone, I was already getting more attention than I wanted. So as we were getting close to my next time to remove something I walked into a changing room in the nearest clothing store and took off my pants then underwear and put my pants back on and handed my underwear and the cap to my Gf to put in her bag. Running out of time before I’d soon be naked. I decided and my girlfriend agreed that it would be best if we started heading out. By the time we had gotten to the doors I was running out of ways to procrastinate in taking off my last remaining button on my shirt. The only other things I had left were the button on my pants, the zipper was already down, and my shoes.
Almost immediately after we got outside she signaled to me that it was time again. So I had to make a quick decision. The button on my pants or my shirt.
Looking back I guess I could of taken off my shoes, but oh well.
Since we were outside, I figured some undone pants would be less noticeable than an un-buttoned shirt waving around. So I went with the pants, un-doing the button the moment a family walked by me. As we made our way through the parking lot my Gf decided to toy with me some more. As I didn’t pay attention to where we parked, she thought it would be funny to act like she forgot where we parked as well. So wandering through the parking lot she signaled again that it was time again, so I un-did my last shirt button and proceeded to hold my shirt closed. Which my girlfriend proceeded to tell me to my dismay, that what was the sense of unbuttoning the shirt if I could just hold it shut. Responding that no one said I couldn’t, she threatened that she may have “difficulty” finding the car quickly if I insisted on “cheating” as she put it. I gave her a dirty look and let my hands down, letting the wind do what it wished with my shirt, just good for me that no one was in this particular area of the parking lot. Making our way through the parked cars she than stopped me again, and signaled to me that I needed to hand over another piece of clothing. Thinking of what I had left, and what would be obvious if people saw me from a distance. I decided to take off my bra to at least leave me with a shirt that would give me more cover. A little bit after that we finally arrived at our car, only thing was she wasn’t going to let me in right away. We both stayed outside the car with her staring at her phone. I knew what she was doing she was waiting for my next time to be up, which in response to her doing this I told her I hated her and that I was definitely making her do a dare with me next time. Surprising for me she actually agreed, but not before telling me to take off another piece of clothing. I took off my pants and she unlocked the car and I got in the back seat and we drove away. We had originally planned on going someone where after the mall, but since I was already naked by the time we drove out of the parking lot. We decided to just head home.
All in all it was an interesting experience, it probably could of gone better, but me being too shy in sight of strangers really limited me.
~~another old dare, I performed back in November of '07,
-Want to dare me? Simply leave a comment or email me with your dare, and as long as it doesn't go over my limits i will perform it.
Limits- Photo's, obvious public, mess, pain, and gross
(gross is subject to my interpretation)
~to come/current/completed dares from the past week
1) (Current)No underwear for a month (to be finished on may1st)
2) (Current)For the time i'm not allowed to wear underwear i must wear short skirts and thin tops (to be finished on may 1st)
3) (Completed) Keep ben wa balls inserted all day
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